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Can my girlfriend be pregnant??

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My girlfriend and I have had unprotected sex numerous times. We have become fearful that she may be pregnant. She said that she has noticed that her breasts have become fuller and bigger lately. Her periods have been very irregular even before shes had sex, she had her last period this past tuesday, but it all of a sudden went away the next day and she got it today, but she said it seemed very light. She's had cramps all day. Is it possible that she may be pregnant? I mean I said to her that since she got it that she's not pregnant, but she said shes not sure considering how light it was. Do you guys think its a possibility?

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Highly doubt it my man. The whole breast thing, definitely in her mind. A womans breasts wont graduate in size until later in the pregnancy. She has her period , so that, 99% of the time rules out pregnancy.


I suggest, so that you dont have to deal with this, get her on the pill, or use condoms, either way you are playing a serious game of baby roulette if you dont.

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It's likely that the breast thing isn't in her mind. I know a lot of girls whose breasts sometimes are tender and/or change size slightly at different times during their cycle. If you're really worried about pregnancy, go and buy a home pregnancy test just in case, to ease both of your minds. And DEFINITELY start using contraception!! You don't want to be on edge like this every month waiting and holding your breath hoping your girlfriend gets her period, and you definitely don't want to have to deal with a baby!

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Here's some advice from an already pregnant woman. You said that her periods were already irregular before she even started having sex and now that you and her have been having unprotected sex that her latest period has been skipping days and is very light. Well, she's either spotting or that's her period. Spotting can occur during the first few weeks of pregnancy. It comes from the fetus essentially "attaching" itself inside the woman's womb. Also, how long has the cramping lasted? That too could be her period but could also be from the attaching process.


And a woman's breasts do not start to "blossom" till 2-3 months into the pregnancy, and even then it's not that noticeable. The most noticeable thing is that her nipples will start to darken, and as they grow, you can see the veins under the skin. This is probably too much information right now, but if she is pregnant, then you might want to get used to it, because this is a G-rated version of pregnancy.


I suggest getting a home pregnancy test and taking it, but I wouldn't be too concerned. It doesn't sound like she is pregnant and it could be the stress of her thinking she might be that is causing her period to go haywire. Stress can affect a woman's period more than I think people realize.

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Mostly agree with Avalon - only thing I would note is that while a woman's breasts won't start to increase in size or change appearance til later, extreme tenderness and soreness is common at about 3-6 weeks pregnant. It doesn't last more than a week and is basically a much stronger version of the tenderness some women experience during the days right before or during their period. It was the first symptom I and many other women I've heard from or or known noted, I couldn't even lay on my side for a few days it was that tender and painful.

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Well, I am going to disagree strongly here - which goes to show that our bodies are all unique.


For me, the first signs of pregnancy, is my breasts get larger, and this is VERY EARLY ON, even before, I would have had a period. The cramping, could be a sign of the fertilisation of the sperm and can happen a couple of days after sex takes place. In the early days and even weeks of pregnancy, a woman can experience 'spotting', this is a very light bleed.


Of course, all of this may not be happening at all, and the mind and body do play tricks on us when we are stressing. The best thing for you both to do is take a pregnancy test, and then, depending on the outcome, get some contraception.


Good luck.


G xx

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