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There's this special girl...

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I'm guessing everyone knows the drill and the old, old topic of a guy working up to asking a girl out, so I'll just get on with my story.


About me first and who I am. I'm 16 years old (16 1/2 more to be more exact) and I'm around 5'7"-5'9" in height, 165 pounds in weight. I have a fairly well built and sculpted upper body, small six pack, very built arms, huge shoulders and neck muscles. My lower body, although not as sculpted as I'd like is just as well very built. I'm more of a small or medium frame sort of guy too, a 28" waist, though I wear 34" pants to sag. I have pretty dark brown hair when its all styled and spiked. Blueish/grey eyes, and I'm not going to lie, my face is covered with freckles (cheeks anyways) and I have moderate acne, but nothing too bad. I commonly wear pretty baggy pants, some form of shirts that show off a little muscle but carry a little length to cover over any open spots from sagging my pants. I'm really into the punk rock scene and play electric guitar. I also play varsity soccer for my highschool, run varsity track, obviously I weight lift alot, and obviously I plainly run so I'm in very good shape. I'm a captain for the sprinting group in track (I'm a sophomore too) with another senior girl. I also like the fine arts people would say. This includes drawing, sculpting, painting, inking, watercolor, pastels, and what have you. Anything to do with my hands. Recently I went over to a friend house and saw all his spare car parts, old car frame, new engine being built, his other two cars he's put together and customized with his brother. His newest car can hit 80mph in under a quarter of a mile, a stick shift. I've realized how badly I would love to get into this as well since my car is an old buick, a 1990 model, which has had everything broken on it at least twice, I think it would be nice to customize my own car and have a kick ass stereo system, build in a little entertainment screen and such as I've seen with my friend. But I'm getting side tracked. That's pretty much me, I go to school, pretty shy kid unless I'm around my friends, plan on going to college and major in art. And I like going out late at night with the few friends able and just hang out at a bowling alley or in the garage working on cars. That's just me, simple but fairly deep details. Another thing, I'm VERY shy around girls unless I already know them, but girls always find me as a good friend and I'm constantly told that I'm a very nice person and understanding, cool to hang out with (besides that I don't talk too often, I just like to listen).


Here's the main dealio. There this girl at my school in my class that I've just recently, within the last few weeks, started to get the major feelings for. This might sound stupid to some people, but in religion today we went through the "12 steps" of a relationship and love. I'll just quickly run through these...


1. Eye to Body - One sees another and is pleased with what they see

2. Eye to Eye - Two people connect by sight and notice eachother


I think this is as far as I need to go actually, step 9-12 are really things dealing with sexual issues after marriage.


Anyways, I'm always willing to give girls a chance. I don't go much for appearances, but I can always find qualities I like about certain people. I find qualities in different girls left and right. Don't get me wrong though, I do have my standards. I mean, I don't mind a rather decent looking girl by my low standards, but people that are just god aweful ugly in my opinion? That just would work, this is where step 1 sort of plays in. One has to be happy with what they see physically about their partner, but must not let this lead into lust. This is my problem almost 99% of the time I think. I always look at girls with lust rather than just "oh she's really cute". Sure I like the qualities of each of these girls but the lust really does just take over the picture. In this case I think I may have overcome that. This girl I like now I am happy to say I don't look at with lust, not so much as other at least, perhaps on occasion I am guilty. But really with this girl it is the "oh, man, she's really cute!" (and she is!). I sent her a carnation for valentines day, I'm not sure if she knows I sent it but I know she got it. Her friend knows I like her and I asked her friend to make sure she got it. For this reason I also don't know if the girl I like knows I like her. Maybe her friend spilled something to her, maybe not. My pessimistic views often times lead me to think not. But, this girl happens to be in my group for track. We often talk throughout practice as there aren't many of us. Though I miss many opportunities when her friend is there and they follow eachother around. I suppose I'm like that with my best friend too, but she isn't always there either, so we do get time to talk, do excercises, and all that together. We talk quite a bit on those days, like today when neither of our friends was there. We followed eachother around doing excercises, runs, etc. And I notice we stick by eachother, maybe because I make the effort to, but at least I'm trying. I think this might be significant because our whole group is girls besides me, a freshman, and a senior guy, and there are nearly 20 sprints, so the odds of girls to guys are in the girls favor. She still will stick by me though and not run off to talk with other girls in our group and leave me hanging.


This is the other thing. I had a girlfriend last year and I KNOW I rushed these 12 steps I was speaking of. I was down to step 11 (I believe this was oral sex or something of that manner) in the matter of 3 months. Simply because I looked at my girlfriend in lust, though I did love her as well. I want to start over again with this new girl so badly and do it the right way for once. I can't ever tell if she's interested or just being very nice though, that's sort of the kind of person she is. What do you think? Perhaps she might like me? Should I try to gather information from her friend? (Her locker is close to mine and shes my friend as well so its not exactly hard to, I just feel stupid asking other people to help with my love life and I wish I could do it on my own). Is there anything you would suggest of me to do with this girl to make it more noticeable that I like her? Or to see if she might like me?


Another question raises to my mind. So to say I ever do ask her out, can anyone give me and good lines to think about? I am very good at writing as well, but I just feeling like an idiot and get really embarrased reading my own writings. Should I get over this and read her something of my own? Or twist and combine others to say what I want them to say and flush the problem of embarrasment out? I'm HORRIBLE at asking girls out... I was so shy last year, even though I solidly KNEW that my girlfriend liked me. I still had to write it down on a piece of paper and hand it to her as I sat next to her. Although it was quite a memorable event... I'll never forget the wide smile and silent gestures and noddings of her acceptance. Off subject again...




Before you reply... please don't give me replies such as "the right one will come for you", "you sound like a great catch for the right girl", "just let nature takes it course and you'll get your special someone", no offense but I think that's a load of crap. I know this girl is the right one, I just need to get her. Thanks.

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Hey. First up, I'd like to welcome you to enotalone on behalf of everyone. I'm sure u've taken a nice step towards finding support and advice from many people of various ages from around the world which will be around for a while.


Isn't life all about takin chances? you shouldn't think about things, just do it because you know, chances are you'll never be able to predict the future. But life's just too short, screw thinkin twice.


What if she's just feelin what u're feelin, someone's gotta spill it out sonner or later, sure u might screw ur friendship ova for a while but at least he'll kno and u might get a chance in the future. Like me, I was in the same situation and now me and my really good friend's togetha.


You don't really have a friendship right now, well not a deep bond yet so it's a great way of finding out things about people as when you're going out with someone, you learn so much more about them as you would friends, plus, what have you got to loose?


I think it's just you thinkin too much and worrying about things before they surpass but I suppose, sometimes people like to be prepared even though there's just way too many possiblities lol "ooh.. the possibilities" - some sorta toy ad catchphrase. Anyway, right back to this, even if u do worry, somethin else you might not b prepared for might occur, then wouldn't it have been a waste of time?


I think you should tell, coz you know it's definitely the best way i reckon. Because that way you wouldn't waste your time, if she says no, u'll know what she feels sooner and plus, even if she says no, at least she knows you like her and now so she could reconsider.


Don't think twice. Go for it. Like I said, life's way too short once you get down to it.




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