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Alright, here it goes.

I have been with my boyfriend for about 6 months, actually our 6 month anniversary is April 5. And I know I'm young, but I have been through a lot in my life. I know that i have really deep feelings for him, maybe it's love, maybe it isn't. I am only a freashman in high school, but I can see myself being with him for a long time.

The problem is though, that I don't want to have just one boyfriend all through high school. It sounds a little "dirty", but I want to 'experience' a lot of people in high school; through friendships and relationships. A lot of people will probably go, "Why do you even ask, you are lucky and a lot of people would be happy where you are." Yes, I know that I am lucky to have this person who loves me as much and cares for me and wants to be with me. That's the thing, I can be with him for a long time if I want, or I can end it if I want. I'm jsut scared that if I end it, he won't want to stay around me or keep in touch. THis is all confusing.. so here's the simple version:


I love my boyfriend and he loves me, but i don't want one boyfriend all through high school. What should i do?


yes, basically, thats it. I just gave a lot of extra detail in the above paragraphs.


Please, any advice is helpful.

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im in his shoes i guess. im a freshman in grade 10 and my g/f just broke up with me 4 weeks ago. she said the same thing. we were goin out for a year and 8 months. just talk to him chances are he be really sad and stuff. like right now im so sad im goin crazy i love her so much and stuff and cant be with.but i friends with her. im tryin and i cant deal with it but i have to.if u want to be with him threw high school then do it cuz it can be great. but if u dont then tell him why and be like i know it seems not fair. but hey u never know u maybe be thinkin this and then want him back cuz no one will ever compare to him. its all your choice. ur still young it not like u have kids or anything.

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also if u want to date other people u have to end it soon then. cuz dont wait it just make it worse cuz right now im a reck,lol. and if u wait longer he get really attached to u like i was and still kinda am.and i cried lol i never thought i would cuz i a pretty big guy but i fn cryied like a baby and i still do sometimes,lol.

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i to was like that at age 15 and a freshman, my girlfriend was 14 and i was 15 we dated for about 9 months and i broke up with her.

i asked my self why did i have to fall in love now when i have so much i want to experince, why couldnt i meet this person at a later time in my life.

I hurt her alot when i broke up with her, i tell you its hell when you love someone so much and seeing them hurt as much as they do.


the only thing i regret is not telling her the real reason i broke up with her.


so my advice to you is when you are ready to brake up with him.

tell him the reason why.

he might feel the same way and might not.

it might end on a good note and that could leave it open for a future relationship with him or a friendship.


good luck

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  • 3 months later...

hey hun. well im 16 and my bf is 15 and this is probably my number one fear about him. that he feels that he's too young to be tied down. honestly, if you feel that you want to "experience" more through high school, then you should definitely talk to him about it. personally, i am completely content spending the rest of my life with this guy. but not everyone is like that, and i don't blame you for feeling this way. but if you know that this is what you want, then you're going to have to approach all relationships in the near future with alot of caution.


you probably should actually look for players, just experience things. but in the end you might lose the best thing you ever had and mayb even a year from now, you'll regret your decision. you should really think about the urge you have to experiment and experience. there are many risks to that too, as well i think there's something dysfunctional in dooming a relationship from the start because you DONT want it to go anywhere serious. so i advise to really consider your decision, but most of all, talk to your bf about these feelings. as hard as it might be, bring it up, even hypathetically. its really tough to lose the greatest thing you have, and to love him and to have him love you is the most wonderful thing you could ask for. but there are many people who feel the way you do, ive seen it many times in my school. so just really think about your bf, about yourself and have a good talk with him. i wish you all the luck with this issue. it's a fear that i think lies in the back of all young teens in serious relationships.

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