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Here is why receiving unemployment is BETTER than taking a paycut

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With a Paycut


1. Once you accept that salary, you will most likely stay there for a long time unless you get another job


2. It's harder to get another job to get a higher salary because you can't go on 5 interviews a week


3.You are still expected to perform at a high level with lower money


4.You have to work the same amount of hours and maybe even overtime with lower money




With Unemployment


1. You set your own work hours


2. It's easy to get more money since Unemployment is low to begin with


3.You can increase your chances of getting more money faster by going on 7 interviews in one week.


4. No such thing as overtime




I had a friend at a previous job who took a paycut and after 3 years he is still not at the salary he was making. So basically he was brought up a little not to where he was which is why a paycut to me is worst than being laid off

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Unemployment may be the better choice for a short, limited amount of time which the principle aim is to find a good job as soon as possible.


The unemployment money is temporary but the paycut is permanent.



So i should be thankful I was laid off in January instead of being asked to take a paycut

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Maybe. My experience has been that it's easier to get a job if you're in a job than it is to get a job if you're unemployed.


I'd take the paycut and aim to get another job in two months.


But how many excuses can you come up with to get going on job interviews when you are employed???

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I don't come up with excuses; I either take time off, or I schedule it for the morning/evening, or I'm honest with the boss, and say that given the pay cut, I'm looking around.


Oh ok, so the boss will ALLOW you to look around for other options???-lol



Never heard of such a thing

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I took a paycut of 25k to get the job I currently have simply because it was a better environment and in a place I always wanted to live. I have since made up 15k of that in raises over 4 years, and am gunning for a promotion within the next 12 months that I am hoping will give me the other 10 back. It's hard sometimes not to feel like I lost 6 years of my earning potential, but when I realize how much I gained back in work life balance, I feel a bit better about it.


I am, however, probably going to change companies when the economy improves and go for another 10-15k raise.


So no, unemployment is by NO means the way to go. Doesn't pay COBRA either, doesn't pay 401k..

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Oh ok, so the boss will ALLOW you to look around for other options???-lol



Never heard of such a thing


Really? Well, I guess you've had a limited life experience then...


But like I say, I would either take time off, or go before/after work, or during my lunch break. And as I'm an excellent worker, I would make it clear that I would be looking around as I could not sustain a pay cut - make them reconsider...!!


I don't like being unemployed, and would never voluntarily opt for it.

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I took a paycut of 25k to get the job I currently have simply because it was a better environment and in a place I always wanted to live. I have since made up 15k of that in raises over 4 years, and am gunning for a promotion within the next 12 months that I am hoping will give me the other 10 back. It's hard sometimes not to feel like I lost 6 years of my earning potential, but when I realize how much I gained back in work life balance, I feel a bit better about it.


I am, however, probably going to change companies when the economy improves and go for another 10-15k raise.


So no, unemployment is by NO means the way to go. Doesn't pay COBRA either, doesn't pay 401k..




You missed the point of the thread. I said when the paycut is NOT your decision when you are forced to take one at a company you are working for. Not deciding to go to another job for lower money. I'm talking about a cut in salary at the same job.

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Um not sure I would do that unless you have another job lined up, he could let you go.


Life is different in the US - you don't have such good union laws, I think. You can't just be 'let go' without due process in this country. There would have to be a redundancy process, or you could sue for unfair dismissal.

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Really? Well, I guess you've had a limited life experience then...


But like I say, I would either take time off, or go before/after work, or during my lunch break. And as I'm an excellent worker, I would make it clear that I would be looking around as I could not sustain a pay cut - make them reconsider...!!


I don't like being unemployed, and would never voluntarily opt for it.


Job interview on your lunch Break????????

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Or they might resent you and fire you for something, then no unemployment.


I was terminated back in the day due to performance. While the papers reflected this, I was still able to acquire UI, so yes, you can still get UI for being fired.


Each case has oddities about it that can go under the legal radar, get sidestepped, or be rigged to eliminate surface perceptions pertaining to what the status-quo standard might be previously understood as being. I'm still not sure how it got pulled off, but it did, and it got me through the storm with absolutely no repercussions of any sort--even with the taxes.

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Most companies interviewing you will be understanding if they know you have a job and are looking. If they are interested, they will also be flexible. So job interviews on the lunch break is totally do-able. I've done phone interviews in my car back in the day.


I think UI can be handy and can keep you from taking just anything. That is what it's there for.


You can definitely get UI even if you were fired or even if you quit. There may be a disqualification period for a little while though if it is determined that you were fired for misconduct or if you quit. But unless it was gross misconduct, you will eventually get unemployment.


I recently filed for unemployment for the first time ever. It is going to save our butts. It is temporary, that is true, but until my husband has a job, it will really help us a lot.

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Um not sure I would do that unless you have another job lined up, he could let you go.


I agree. I see that all the time in my line of work. People are super quiet and careful about job searching, even to the point of being fearful of applying to jobs internally in case your boss finds out.

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