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help its been 4 weeks now and i cant take it

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my ex broke up with me 4 weeks ago and hes on this no contact rule he wouldnt talk to me in school and wouldnt even look at me....i really want to go up to him and talk toh im but i know that things were really messed up between us and they just went out of hands in the end of the relationship...i still see him every day and i cant take it any longer i miss him like hell ive never felt like this towards anyone and i truly do love him ...but hes so stubborn..he has given me chances b4 but i sort of messed up and now i think ive done that there r no more chances between us...i know he still loves me and misses me cuz hes been tellin my friends ex...ppl tell me to give it time and give him space but what if lose him to this time and space thingy u know....i dunno what to do i have posted b4 about my situation and what has happened so pls feel free to check them out andf tell me wut i should do .... i really miss him and cant take it anymore i love him so much to the extent that i feel guilty when i talk another guy cuz i know he doesnt like itr im tryin to avoid doin things which he doesnt like me doing so i would be able to win his heart but at times i just dunno if i should be doin it....i really miss him and cant live without him famile\y and friends dont want me to be with him...but my heart and mind just cant live without him im like a walking dead person. i look like a ghost i cry 24/7....pls help me b4 it gets too late its already a month and i cant do it anymore

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i really miss him and cant live without him famile\y and friends dont want me to be with him...but my heart and mind just cant live without him im like a walking dead person. i look like a ghost i cry 24/7....pls help me b4 it gets too late its already a month and i cant do it anymore


I know how you feel...but you know what? Read what you just wrote...how much power does this person have over you? No way in h&ll should you let someone get you so down...you are worth so much more...


Love is happiness...with someone who appreciates you...


Everything in life is a experience, learn from this and move on....find someone who is worthy of that kind of love....

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i understand what ur sayin but he left me so how am i meant to be happy i miss him so much i was happy when i was with him even though we did argue a lot but was happy with him he made everything seem to be ok for me even when things werent....i really love him and i cant go on without him...all im askin is how can i get him back how can make him my boyfriend again...i know how he feels about me...so pls try and help me

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i Messo, sorry to hear your situation, but right now your mind is bent all out of shape. You are at the start line of the road to recovery and it hurts like hell. It is your cross to bear that you have to see him every day, but look at it like this, you will get the chance to win him back!!! Lots of us don't get that opportunity!!!


However you MUST realise that right now you are a wreck and there ain't no way in hell you are going to get him back in this state.


Plan 'a' is for you to get back on your feet, this is soo important right now, you need to stop thinking all about him and realise that you must at all times take care of yourself first. Think of it this , ' why do we want to go out with other people anyways???' well it's cause it makes us feel good!!! Right, now at this moment this is replaced with a mountain of pain, so you have to withdraw from the situation and concentrate on yourself first, now i know this feels impossible but it is possible, just takes a whole lot of effort on your part.


You need to forgive your self for the mistakes you made with him and learn from them so that you don't do make them again.


The best chance you have of ever getting him back, is when you have recovered and are back on your feet again. So this is what you concentrate on first ok. It's sooo difficult but it is the start that is totally needed.

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Hi Meeso,


Sorry to hear you're in such pain. I've been there too.


Listen to Hoping4Happiness and Out to Sea. They've got good advice.


You are one big ball of pain right now, and none of us want to see you there. You think the ONLY solution is to get back with your BF, but that's not true. You can be free of pain, even if you and him are just friends.


Love and romance isn't just about missing someone and being devastated by them, although when I was a teen that's what I felt. Real love is wanting the best for yourself and wanting the best for him. It's wanting happiness and wanting to share happiness.


Put it this way: What if you KNEW he was going to cme back to you in three months? What would you do until then? Would you spend all your time crying and crying, or would you try to do happy things with your life so that you have something to share when he comes back?


How to get him back? Find things you like to do. Do them. Go ahead and talk with guys. And smile and talk with your ex, too, but keep it casual. You deserve someone who will come to you; don't go groveling back to him, or else you'll end up doing a lot of groveling for a looong time.

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yeah i guess ur right but im just worried about losing him u know i have this big feelin he wont be around next year and i really want to spend whats left of his time with him i know its how he feels because hes been sayin it to his friends...and i see the way he looks at me but i know he wont do the first move and is probably waitin for me...i understand everything u guys sa but gettin back on my feet needs a lot of time...and i dont think i have it....i dont want to lose this guy i really dont he is everything to me...and right now i feel so empty without him..i know i sound so stupid but i do want to know what to do b4 it does get too late and i actually lose him..

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