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Just got Uni results for 2nd year..

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i am really depressed when i recieved my results i did ok.. but not as good as I expected.. i really really want a 1st degree but i got a 2.1 for my first and second year.. i achieved 2 A1 grades in my second year which will replace my lowest in my 3rd year. Im in a good position to achieve a 1st


and with the depressing grades in other subjects i lost my fire.. my motivation i feel like ive let myself down... i dont know how to motivate myself.. right now im soo lost.. can anyone help?

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If it makes you feel better, employers don't really care about that kind of stuff. Out of the gate, it helps, but not as much as you might think. It will make a difference if you're trying to get into Oxbridge for sciences but, again, that's more about being able to pat yourself on the back than anything else. The real world is where you prove yourself.


Good grades are big deal. Spectacular grades are about bragging rights. That's my opinion, anyway.

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Grades don't matter so much that, my boss actually forgot to check that I actually had my Bachelor's degree after they hired me since I did such good work.

I work in a govt position so it's mandatory and required to have to just be at the lowest level rank employee.

They still haven't checked it. I figure I just better give it to HR by my own initiative at this point so they have it "on file". And I definitely won't get fired any time soon.


I had great grades, but it's how you can reflect the knowledge in your work place that's important. Not just "cramming everything and spitting it out on paper".

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When we are hiring, work history comes first, where you got your degree is second, and grades are third. Of course, this is after credit and background checks. I work in the educational and legal fields and grades are important in these professions. I don't know about any others, because I have never been in charge of hiring in any other professions. In education especially, grades are important!

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When we are hiring, work history comes first, where you got your degree is second, and grades are third. Of course, this is after credit and background checks. I work in the educational and legal fields and grades are important in these professions. I don't know about any others, because I have never been in charge of hiring in any other professions. In education especially, grades are important!


True, but the OP is dismayed over what would be the equivalent of 3.5 GPA... And he/she is not even close to done with University.

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I could go on about how it's not so bad since I have a similar gpa, but I already know it doesn't feel good to be stuck at a low gpa. Does your university allow you to retake courses and replace the grade in a course? You can try using that for classes with D's and (shudder) E's. Fixing those will definitely raise your gpa.


Besides that what do you feel would help you get motivated again? A friend of mine went to a local college for awhile, then transferred to another school and it really helped his grades out. Something about moving really motivated him to finish his degree, maybe it was just being on a different campus. Finding that right program to study also helps too.


That said, I do know a guy from engineering who aced almost every single course but he didn't get out very much. Of course it was his choice, he wasn't the really outgoing type to begin with. But what I'm saying is if you spend all your time studying you'll get good grades at the cost of not meeting people, making friends, or gaining other skills you only learn outside of the classroom. There has to be a balance between school and actually enjoying yourself. You're in university to study but you need to enjoy your time there too.

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Hey guys thank you all for your feedback.. i can tell you my grades werent that bad but its just a big let down as it doesnt reflect the work i did..


I got 2A1s 1B1 3 B3s and 2 C1s my gpa was 4.75 so thats a 2.1 i definitely need a 3.5 gpa to get a 1st. the 2A1s will replace my lowest grades in my 3rd year. I am starting in sept. i am not sure what will motivate me i feel depressed at the moment..


I am doing other things to make myself stand out like im a student representative for my course in other words the student voice so if there any general problems i can get it sorted. I work part time in clarks the shoe shop and at the moment im doing a summer placement at a sales company.


I do have a few friends and i do take time out to socialise aswell..but im more of a study kinda girl.. its my passion to study..

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I dont know if the system varies between countries.. but i live in London..


Depending on the company; Gcses should have a B in maths atleast.

Alevels- UCAS points minimum 280

Grade A- 120 points

Grade B-100 Points

Grade C -80 points and so on. I got ABB so thats fine.


Then you need to get Minimum 2.1 degree if you are doing a degree...





Then to become a top accountant you have to do further qualification papers

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I got 2A1s 1B1 3 B3s and 2 C1s my gpa was 4.75 so thats a 2.1 i definitely need a 3.5 gpa to get a 1st.


I'm reading this and then I thought to myself, "this is weird man"

What's a 2A1s?

and then there's this space in between 3 B3... which I assume makes a difference.

Shouldn't GPA of 2.1 be a "got kicked out", or at least on probation?

And what's a 1st?

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A1 is a grade boundary...


There is a different system for different University.. for mine it is grades


A1 is 77+

A2 is 73-76

A3 is 70-72


B1 67-69

B2 63-66

B3 60-62


A B is a 2.1 equivalent


and A is a first..


A 2.1 is good dont get me wrong but i would love a first dude


A first is a first class degree its the highest grade u can get

2.1 is like an equivalent B grade..

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I'm reading this and then I thought to myself, "this is weird man"

What's a 2A1s?

and then there's this space in between 3 B3... which I assume makes a difference.

Shouldn't GPA of 2.1 be a "got kicked out", or at least on probation?

And what's a 1st?


It comes from the British Bachelor's degree system. Final degrees are classified, rather than scored with a GPA: the classes are a 1st (a mean score typically more than 70%, but the precise conditions vary between institutions), a 2(i) (an upper second, broadly 60-70), a 2(ii) (a lower second; 50-60), a 3rd (40-50), a Pass degree (no Honours here) (35-40), or a Fail (below 35). The vast majority of students receive either a 2(i) (above average students) or a 2(ii) (slightly below average students). 3rds 1sts and Fails are relatively uncommon, though the exact proportions vary widely between courses and institutions, which makes the whole system rather suspect anyway.

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