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what do guys like to talk about??

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ok guys, what do u's like to talk about? i talked to this guy i really like mostly about music. but i don't know if that topic has anything more to discuss! he so knows i want him too. he said (and i quote) "I don't NOT like her, she jus doesn't talk enough" ( i heard this from a friend, she's convinced that he likes me). usually when i talk to guys (who are jus friends), i can get all nasty and sick-like (funny stuff ya know), but i don't wanna like, scare him away and make him think that i'm dirty or somethin. neways, tell me whatchu's think.

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Sometimes guys get in the habbit of being really passive and expecting everything will be served up on a silver platter for them, but it isn't and they really don't know how to ask for what they would like. If you want to go out with him, ask him. If he doesn't like you for your lack of enthusiasm, then maybe keep looking for someone that makes you feel enthusiastic.

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Whooooooo caaaaaares HUN, Dont you worry at ALL. I was really really shy with my boyfriend to at first, now were starting to do so many things infront of eachother, its been a year and 6 months, and were great! Look, every time you talk to him, losten up alittle more. FIND OUT how he is and what HE likes. Who cares if your shy. Youll loosten up weather you believe you will or not. Just simply tell him "Im shy because we just started talking "like this" so give me acouple days and ill losten up i promise" just tell him, dont hide it.


Keep doin' what ya doin' Great job!

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Ask a lot of open-ended questions and use his answers to gauge what his interest levels are like. One of my favorite questions to ask is what someone would wish for if a genie were to give them three wishes. This can accomplish a few things: It tells you a surprising amount about what's truly important to the person. It also provides you with three different areas you can follow up on to comment or ask more questions on. Finally, it gives you the chance to describe your own three wishes, which you can compare and contrast. It's pre-packaged, but it works. Also, just make small talk with him. Ask him what he thinks about the whole war with Iraq, or other current events. Classes do well too, as does talking about friends and funny stories from personal experience.


About the nasty jokes: I know exactly what you mean. I can't resist a good dead baby joke. Hey, what's pink and white and can't go through a door sideways? You get my drift. Just lay off that kind of humor until you get more comfortable with him, then slowly break it off.


Just my two cents, anyway.

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