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Whats up with this Girl?

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I have been going after one of my co-workers, who has had a Boyfriend for a year, for a couple of months now and I finally got somewhere last wednesday when we made out. She stayed an extra half hour with me when she got off work even though she had to go pick her boyfriend up right after she got off. Since then I have seen her everyday and been asking her whats up with me and her because we haven't done anything. She said that she was curious that day. What should I do?

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GREAT NEWS !!!!! player .... you got yourself a 'f*** friend' ...

well ... if u r in 4 just the booty then the sky is crystal blue but if u want more like a relationship it doesn't look bright .... i never liked beein second and most of the time if a girl is still with bf when she got an exit (u) , she certainly have more feelin goin 4 bf ...


well .... it's seems like it's more than a game and nuttin really serious and if that's the cas , play it hard ...


peace out player and can't wait 4 ur ext adventure[/img]

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She was what she said she was "Curious"


Simple as that..nothing more than that, Now as for being a second person, or sometimes called "back-up" in case things don't go well with her current B/F. think about what she did with you first, with HER knowing she is in a relationship with a significant other, she stilled had the nerve to mess around behind His back, so really she would do it again, doesn't matter with who...so ask yourself a question, Would you want to be her B/F if she already has done something with someone else (being you)


I'm not sure about you, but that would make me want to stay clear of her, no more messing around, unless your just looking for sex.



If she gives it, than it's an obligation on your part to accept it, but just think of the consequences and repercussions before you make what could be a mistake.

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No offense Mike and I say this in the most kindest way I can but I'm gonna be blunt. If I were dating a girl who worked with you and found out you and her were doing that I would not only break it off with her but beat you senseless!!! Put yourself in the place of her bf how would you feel if you found out your gf is cheating on you and you are nothing but faithful to her. That is so imature I can't even imagine what drives men to do this.. Just my two cents take it or leave it but I mean no offense by it

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He should stand up to you if he cares about her!...God knows I would even though I'm 5'11 and am muscular to a certain extent. I mean do you get some kinda rise out of doing this? being 6'4 don't mean anything to me if I cared for the girl I'm gonna stand up and do anything and everything to keep her cause I'll be damned if I'm gonna let someone like you take her away from me after all I did to get her in the first place! How long do you think you'll be with this girl anyway if she does leave her current bf and whose to think someone else might come along thinking the same thing you did and before you know it she's gone. I Cannot stand people like you that just come in and take what you want when you see it and think that cause your bigger no one will stand up to you!

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  • 3 years later...
About the BF beating me senseless, he already has the idea that we are doing stuff, but she already told me that he's scared and intiminated by me, since I'm 6'4 and kinda muscular.


Are you big enough to take on a baseball bat or an iron rod to your head? Because if love makes this guy crazy enough he could snap and i dont care how big you are.


It speaks volumes that you would even want to continue to try something with her KNOWING this guy loves her.


I say maybe she deserves you. If she could hurt him like that, she might deserve someone who will probably hurt her one day too.

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