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How does she feel?


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Im in high school and really like this girl. I've liked her for a while now and can't stop thinking about her. My mind wanders and she is all I think of. I havent got alot of confidence as i dont see myself as radiently beautiful, in fact, quite the opposite. We flirt alot but then again she will flirt with anyone. She'll often playfully punch me then i grab her etc. We do it alot. She gets along with anyone, and i know she's had two poeple asking her out that she has rejected, which doesnt fill me with confidence either. Most of my friends know about my crush on her and she probably does aswell, because I dont think i hide it well. Im pretty shy with girls but my confidence around is them is slowly rising. Ive had very little expierience though.


So is she interested or just flirty?

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She might be flirting with you as a way to open you up around her. If your not that confident and she knows that you like her then she's probably trying to make you feel comfortable around her and who knows what might happen. Get along together and having fun is a good sign as long as you have confidence you should be ok, even if she has reject others doesn't mean she going to do it to you, just take it slow and see how it goes with her you might be the one she's looking for.


Best of luck



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Well its a good start your friends. Since you two seem pretty close, the next thing you should do is give her complaments and stuff like that. Like tell her how you feel or what you like about her, but tell her little things first like "I like the way you did your hair today" or something like that. Eventually, you can tell her more deeper stuff then once you run outta stuff to say you can tell her you like her, she'll be ready for it because you told her the other stuff. Also, try giving her suttle hints like make good eye contact and touch her and stuff. Write her notes in class about dumb stuff like "Teacher Bob is lame" or something. Try to make her laugh too. Call her once a week and talk about stuff. Once you start feeling comfotable, that is the best time to tell her. I hope that helps.

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