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I want to ask out my friend....when/how???


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As some of you kno, I have this friend that I have alot of feelings for. We are real close and I've liked her for a couple of months now but she has had a BF for the past 6 months. Well, they have just broken up and I want to ask her out (barring they stay broken up-I'm not positive they will at this point) She is very upset and not ready for a new relationship yet so I dont know how long I should wait till I ask. I dont want someone else to before I get my oppurtunity.


I figure this greatly varies but How long should I wait before asking her out? She was in a 6 month, intimate relationship just to let you kno.


How do I go about trying to go from a extremely close friendship to more? I feel that we might be TOO close to make an easier advance in our relationship but I definitely want to try.

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Since at the moment you guys are just friends, you need to be there for her during this hard time and try to cast aside your feelings for the moment. Once she's feeling better about the whole thing than would be a good time to start giving her subtle hints. If she seems to be taking them well, just come right out and tell her the way that you feel. Make sure that she understands that no matter what her reaction is, you don't want to lose her friendship.

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Well right now she should be very upset over he break up. The best thing you can do is be there for her and tell her she can talk to you when she wants to talk or something. During this time, you can become even closer by comforting her and check how shes doing, however don't do it too much because you might scare her. The amout of time it will take for her to get over it will vary, but as soon as she does feel better, tell her how you feel about her everyday, don't tell her big stuff at first just little stuff. Eventually, you can tell her how you really feel then you can ask her out.

I hope that helps.

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