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Awhile back I made a post about the sex me and my gf had..It was told to me that she will probably not be pregnant, if you want the details, look at old post...And now she is very late on her period..


Im worried about if she is. We're not going to keep it, and we dont want anyone to find out. Are abortions surgery? Or something that can be done within an office....And is it something they keep confidential???

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This may be a good site for you to check out regarding abortion questions. Yes, abortions are done in the office, same day surgery, and only take about 15 minutes. Some insurance companies will cover it-if she has insurance she should call and find out if they'll cover it or not. If not, it generally costs $500-$800 out of pocket, depending on where you go. Here's the link:


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Good luck-I'd suggest she buy a home pregnancy test such as E.P.T. and test first before you panic, though. And use PROTECTION next time!



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It is confidential, and can be performed in a clinic or a doctor's office if it's early into the pregnancy.


Before you panic, make sure she is indeed pregnant, as everyone is saying, and if she is, go to a counselor who will make sure she's absolutely comfortable with her eventual decision (abortion, adoption, or keeping the child) before she goes into it, since it's something she's going to have to come to terms with as being the right decision for years to come.


If you're not Christian and have no qualms about murder, remember the 30% higher breast cancer rate among women who have abortions.

The LIFE and PAPRI (a pro-life group in Britain) study which has propagated this statistic has not been supported or accepted as valid by either the American Cancer Society, World Health Organization, or the Breast Cancer Coalition; there were both conflicting conclusions and unaccounted for variables in the published study. It was also denounced there by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.


Just clarifying that, if it came from another source feel free to elaborate, but something which has been denounced as unfounded by every reputable health organization in two countries shouldn't be used as something to base a decision like this on.

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Don't abort!? It's a child Im killing~? I'm 16! Why the hell would I keep a child! Mistakes happen, but I'm not going to ruin my life by being a parent like that. And If abortions are a few 100$ I guess I'm absolutely screwed. We don't know if she is or not..She hasn't shown any signs except the no period and some stiffness the other day...


If she is...what the heck do I do?

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The Morrigan: That statistic isn't just something that was noticed in an unrelated study, it can be explained.



Within a few days after pregnancy, the corpus luteum, which is in a woman's ovary, begins to secrete large quantities of a number of hormones. One of those chemicals, estrogen, makes the breasts grow in preparation for nursing. In the early months of a first pregnancy, the breasts may be adult size, but the tissue is rather primitive. In other words, it's not specialized for producing milk. It's mostly able just to grow, to proliferate. Later in the pregnancy, the growth switch clicks off, and those cells differentiate into mature, milk-producing cells. Primitive cells, because they're programmed to grow, are more likely to be sensitive to carcinogenic stimuli. If a woman has an abortion, she's left with a large number of these immature cells lining her breast ducts, and she is thereforeeee more vulnerable to cancer down the road—30 percent more vulnerable.





White[icE]: Why would you keep a child? You already made the choice when you had sex. You're not supposed to choose whether to "keep the child" (read: let it retain its life) partway through its development.

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Alright, PLEASE hear me out. There are a ton of poeple out there that can't have a baby that would LOVE to adopt one if you are too young to be a parent. If she is pregnant, remember, you really are killing a life. Once there is a growing fetus, there is another life inside. That life could make some other couple that can't have babies VERY happy!!!


I know of course the decision is yours, and I know this is a huge debate among a lot of people, but it still comes down to killing a helpless life. There is no way for that baby to defend itself. Think of the little fingers and little toes of another little tiny baby, that you are heatlessly wanting to be sucked away and tossed in a garbage can somewhere. REALLY, its THAT heartless.


If she is pregnant, please reconsider abortion!!! PLEASE!!! And I GUARANTE....with ALL MY HEART that you will end up winning. IF you give it out for adoption, then you will make another family SUPER happy!! If you both decide to keep it, he/she will be the one thing you will REFUSE to give up, and I can GUARANTEE that. Even if you are young, you won't want to give her/him up!!!


I am from a very christian family, and I got pregnant out of wedlock, but I"m telling you.........I would have NEVER got an abortion My favorite aunt has adopted 4 kids, and I don't know what our extended family would be like without them.


I know this probably sounds like preaching.....but please talk to your gf and try to think of the baby. Don't be selfish about this....unless it is going to literally put your gf's life in danger, there is no reason that you need to kill the baby....yes even if you are 16. You guys made a mistake, and you need to take responsibility for your actions.

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If you are so concerned about not being a parent.....I, MYSELF, (with my husband of course) will look into adopting it. We weren't planning on having another child for another little while, but this is literally how strongly I feel about NOT killing these little miracles. And if this is what needs to be done in order for to keep this little creature alive (if she is pregnant of course) then by all means, I will do everything I can.

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Yes, I'm aware of the study - it's also been challenged over and over and is considered scientifically unsound for several reasons. Even the article where it's laid out questions the validity of the statistic - many of the studies used weren't considered to be valid (he used other group's studies to reach his conclusion) and there is no apparent correlation when only actual medical records, and not patient's chosen disclosures, are used.


Part of the problem with many studies is they depend on women disclosing the truth of their history as opposed to relying on medical records alone.


It is still a fact that the cancer society, which has no politics at stake in this, denounces the statistic as unfounded in all their independent research and studies, though they do say that pregnancy itself has some protective effect against breast cancer.


Believe me, if some definitive study comes down which is widely accepted as scientifically sound, I'd be more than willing to stand behind it, whichever way it comes down.

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