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two weeks and i'm about to crack!

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ok the guy i want to get back with just joined a popular u.k. band. what luck. already there are postings on the fan site from girls who have met him and think he's hot. i'm about to crack and call him to see how he is. i'd never say i was snooping around the fan site. should i just wait it out. he's gone for two months. maybe he'll get sickof all these dumb girls throwing themselves at him? help???? or is it best to be in his mind? leave a simple message? tell him some great things that have been happening with me?

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That's tricky - it's probably hard to tell how he'll deal with his new 'fame'. Obviously you know this guy better than any of us, but I guess there's a chance he'll let it go to his head and take advantage of all the young ladies throwing themselves at him. You have to be aware of that.


You need to be a bit defensive here, I think - protect yourself by not getting too emotionally attached. If, in time, things work out, that's cool. But prepare yourself for the worst.


May be you should message him to let him know you're thinking about him, but leave it at that. If/when his fame or ego cools down, he'll at least know you're there. But don't let him take advantage of you, or use you.


Good luck with everything

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You say you want to get back with him? It depends...how did the 2 of you leave it when he left and how close were you before he left? Did you 2 talk about his being away for 2 months and make any sort of agreement?


Keep in mind he's experiencing a new adventure in his life, especially if his career is getting off the ground. The girls finding him hot as you say may not be an issue other than flattering his ego as part of his new success. Nothing wrong with keeping in touch and letting him know your thinking of him whether you are friends or more than just friends.


Do what feels right to you, deep down you know.


Good luck,


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we dated for about two months until november, but i went through a bad time with a death of a friend and scared him away with my neediness. about two months ago, we started hanging out again, as friends, building up the friendship, and went for dinner one night, hockey game another and the night before he left on tour, watched a movie at his place. i am very proud of him and want him to enjoy this new adventure but it also sickens me to think he might be with one of these girls. it has only been two weeks. i want to call. there's a slight chance he may be in the same city as me next week so maybe i should just wait. guys? would you want to be with a girl if they only wanted you because you're in a band? wouldn't you want to be with a girl you can talk to?

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