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Can't break it off, Can't move on

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My current relationship right now is with my first love. Half way into the relationship I met this guy (call him John). John and I became good friends quickly. I knew he had feelings for me but I was involved in a wonderful relationship and kept things mutual. John has been waiting for me and passed many opprotunities to date other girls. Months have passed and John's always been there to support me whenever I had problems with my bf. Our friendship still remains platonic.


Like all great things in the world... there will be a point where things end. The past couple months my relationship has been very rocky yet holding it's ground. My bf doesn't appreciate me anymore.


John finally moved on and recently has a gf now. However, me and John we're still close friends... yet our feelings are getting stronger. (feelings are there) I have no intention of cheating or stealing John from his gf. I tried to break it off with my bf, but he held me back. I still love my bf, I just don't know what to do.

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I agree with Emotional. Dont expect him to break it off with his GF right away, even if you are available. If you are not happy with your BF, you have to talk to him and either fix things or end them. There are really 4 options here: stay w/ BF, end up w/ john, find someone else, or be w/ no one. It's not always black and white. Good Luck

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