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If she needs space give it to her

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So you're girlfriend teells you she needs space, she will probably tell you that she needs to figure herself out becuae she is confused about things. She doesn't know what she wants........


You feel hurt, and rightfully so. You don't know how after giving her so much she would want to have space. You tell her that you will support her through this but what you really mean is that you don't want it t end and you still want her in your life and you will do anything to talk to her......


Well don't, let her be. I know its hard to realize this but thats what you need to do, Tell her she needs to figure things out for herself, becuae no matter what you do it won't help. Tell her in a respectfull way that she needs to fgure thing out for herself and that you will be there if she wants to talk and if she needs to call you.


I know this is hard buts its what needs to be said. You can't fix what is going on. No matter how much you feel like she may be throwing away the best thing in her life and you can't undersatnd why, you need to tell her that. You also need to stick to it.


If she calls talk to her but you better be the one to end the convo. If she messages you call her back but same rules still apply.


Be prepared for her to do someting stupid, after all they are girls and they think with emotiion rahter than logic, and if something does come up, and you love her dearl,y be willing to forgive.


Aske her for honesty, and if she doesn't give that to you and you know it for fact drop the bitch, because your self respect is the most important thing.


I firmly believe that the only thing dumber than girls, are the bofriends that cling to them, not wanting to let go when they know they should. You may want them back now nut take an inentory of your relationshiip and decide from there.

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What if they want to be friends? Put it like this..my situation is that my ex (been together 3 yrs n change)..broke up with me so he could see what its like wit other girls even tho he went with a few b4 me. now cause we start arguing alot he wants to see if he is with the right person. So I'm like what do you mean? He wants to experience if he'a going to feel the same talking to other girls. Feel the same as in in love with me. So he is all in this other chicks face and even in front of me but he is like she will or no one else never have his heart and love is with me. Do I use no contact? I mean I see him in school so do I just hi and bye or by me being his friend and us still hanging out does that cancel his need for the rebound relationships?

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  • 8 months later...

Abouot to be divorced after almost 8 years together but only 1 yr of marriage. Space - space for what? He needs to find himself again and then decide if and when we are both in a good place, we can be friends. I hate this and I hate the nc. The rebound girl is quickly falling in love and I believe it will be reciproacted. I just feel like the jerk waiting for it to end and him to come back to me....

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