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Me and my ex boyfriend broke up a month ago. Within the first week we were broken up he was seeing someone else. This women is older and has a child and this is so out of the ordinary for him. I just don't understand how you can be in a relationship for two years and then break up and one week be back into another relationship. He says it isn't serious but i thnik it is. She is always at his house and i had to stop by to pick my stuff up and he had a picture of the little boy on his coffee table. The odd thing is he calls me last week says he misses me and all kinds of other stuff. He said the new girl was mad becasue he still had a picture of me up in his bedroom...don't know if this is true or not. He wants to be friends but if he is already in this new serious relationship that won't work. he hasn't even had time to get over our two year relationship. I just don't understand. Do you think this is a rebound and will it work. the woman he is now dating has had a thing for him for a while. He would tell me this becasue she worked in a bank where he would pick up money and she was always flirting with him. I feel like he just jumped into a relationship with her becasue someone was showing him some interest. I can only hope and pray this is a rebound and won't work becasue he hasn't had time to get over me. Advice needed please

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It is definitely a rebound relationship, but I can't say whether it will work out with them or not. But does it matter?

I am sure he is going to try to keep you hanging on in case this relationship does not work out, but I don't know why you would want to wait.


I have seen many relationships breakup and have the person just go off and get into another relationship..


About ten years ago I had a girlfriend breakup with me. We had dated for over three years and were living together at the time. Well like a week after us breaking up (we were still living together) she was dating another guy. We parted ways and then like a month after moving out of our apartment she was pregnant. Shortly after that they broke up and she was calling me telling me what a huge mistake she made. I had just started seeing someone and was just barely getting over her. I told her sorry but I couldn't go back....


Now that same women I had just started seeing is divorcing me so I am doing it all over again. It sucks but we will survive.

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Hoping and Praying,


Are you sure it's a rebound? I thought that works for the dumpee?


As for Mlchildr,



Don't feel bad I have an ex for 2 1/2 years and he did the same thing. It happens. But for now maybe you should try a little no contact and see how he is later. Live your life and enjoy you being you. It feels good. It's the only way. Maybe they are too needy. But we don't have to be. You will see make them come to you.


I asked my ex why her (new girl) and he said why not? She just happened to come in when he was not looking to date again and decided why not take a chance. But yet he warmly comes to see me when I call him to even though he could say no. And he admits thinking that the only reason why it's happening is because I can get away with it and that no other ex girlfriend of his does this with him. Weird Huh? To me too. I'm thinking it's a load of bullcrap!


But I of course I have to stop it in order to break the cycle . Because it has gone on for 4 1/2 months. It can't continue because only I can get hurt in the end. Not him. I am the loser of the game if there is one at all.



So I have no other choice but to implement "no contact rule" and will see how he will feel later and then he will make his decision. HE says no now but it will change or maybe not . Like Hoping and Praying says what does it matter?

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Now when it comes to these rebound relationships I have one question:


How do you spot them?


Are there any signs that show they are a rebound relationship, or are we all pretty much just left in the dark about it and left to believe they are rebound simply because they happen so quickly after a break up?

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