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She dumped me and now won't let me go!

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So my ex broke up with me after 4 years... we got together when she was 18 now she's 22, we have a child, and thinking she missed out on a lot. She wants to be on her own and being able to talk to whomever she wants and start relationships, problem is we still live together for financial reasons. I tried moving out for a bit (stayed at a friends for a week) to give her her space but before i knew it she was asking me to spend the night every night! im soo confused! she claims she has feeling for me and that's why i stick around and that's why i continue to be her friend (i wish i can do nc)... but she keeps flirting with guys online (i know cuz im sneeky and i hate being so but she won't let me leave)... she's promised me twice already that she would not date and she would not seek another relationship. i can handle not being in her life and her dating but not while i still live with her! i don't know what to do! should i just put myself out of the all this pain (her flirting) and just leave and stop talking to her or should I make her keep her promise of not flirting and leave the decision of me leaving up to her. i'm giving her one last change b4 i actually do leave, if i find out about her flirting again, im just going to leave but based on her pattern should i save my heartache and just leave! i love her to death and i put up with so much!


i was so close one day to leaving, but she flipped! she was driving when we were talking and all i hear is "well, if i don't make it home after driving off this cliff you know why"... i had to call her back, and i had to make her feel better... and i had to give her another chance to be my friend but im truly unhappy being her friend! i get depressed everytime she doens't want to spend time with me, and everytime i think we're doing good and go for a kiss and get a cheek. dunno what to do, any and every advice is appreaciated.

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She sounds very selfish and I would suggest you do the following: 1) Get legal advice regarding your child, child support and visitation.

2) Get out of there ASAP and only deal with her on matters regarding your child.


She wants to live the single life while still having you eat out of her hand. Don't put up with it and don't be guilted into anything. She has made her choice..now it is up to you to leave and make sure you have all legal rights to your child.

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