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Does height matter?

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I'm a man of 5 feet 8 inches & I feel that women are unable to take shorter men seriously & certainly don't consider them boyfriend material?

Is it a sign of the times, tastes in height influnced by the media etc?

Or is it more a natural instinct?

I'd like to know your opinion, espeacially from the ladies.


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It's a matter of personal taste, but I strongly believe the attraction lies in a man's self-confidence, sense of humor and intelligence. My brother is 5'2", yet has managed to be a chick magnet all his life. He's good-looking and genuine in his manner, no b.s. kind of guy, has a tough, stocky, streetwise look. Perhaps those qualities overshadow the issue of his height. I really don't think 5'8" is THAT short anyway.

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It's a personal matter for me. I only go for guys who are taller (even if it's by one inch) because it's just instinctively right. There is the element of security that I want to be able to feel when I'm with my guy. I need lots of hugs and smothering so someone who is bigger than I am is most ideal for that feeling of intimacy. But that's just me.

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Well there's good news and theres bad news for you. Basically all girls like a guy who is taller than them, even if its just by an inch or two. Shorter is a no no to them. So while your not tall for a male, your also taller than the majority of females so it shouldnt be a problem for a girl who is 5-5' or under i dont think theyll care. i am 6'3 and i dont like being that big but girls seem to like because it provides security and such i guess, and they dont like looking down to their partner

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From my personal experience, no height does not matter. I used to think it does, until I found my current boyfriend/friend...(whatever he calls himself to me) Because of his personality I gave him a chance, and I don't regret it one bit. Although we are going through some drama right now (who isn't?), I still care very much for him, and whatever happens we'll remain friends. So.. to answer your question. NO... height doesn't matter. Just be yourself. Besides... you're not really short anyways. Good luck to you!


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Your 5, 8" well what can I say but I think that 5, 8" is not short at all. I myself am 5, 11". I have to agree with what everyone else said height to girls matters. It gives them a cretin security that they are looking for. I also have to agree with the part that girls don't like to look down at their partner and that is true. So I guess that this is all that I have to say about this.

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I dont think it does. I'm barely 5'10" and I really have never noticed a female being turned off b/c I'm not supertall or anything. I think as long as your taller than her that's all that matters. But I'm not a girl. so i guess I dont know for sure.

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