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How to ask out a girl who has a boy friend.....


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There is this girl iva liked for ahwhile now but she just recently gotten back together with her boy friend. He cheated on her 2 weeks ago. She told him, he wasnt allowed to talk to this girl agian but i saw him kissing that girl yesterday. Should i start to move in on this girl? How should i confort her about this? She is my friend, iva known her since 9th grade. I am not sure how to talk to her. This saterday My friend and I are going out on the boat with her and a couple other girls. i am gonna get her by herself but i am not sure how or what to say. or should i even try???



PLease help me

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First off, don't be slim and go after someone else's girl… That's not to say there isn't anything you can do. Sounds like you're friends, so give her a heads up on her guy's actions. That should get things broken up rather quickly. After they're no longer together, then you go after the girl.


Now don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying that it's OK to go and break up a couple to get the girl, but it wouldn't be right to let her keep on going the way she is when you know what's going on behind the seines. That wouldn't be fair to her, and I would hope you would do the same thing regardless of whether or not you wanted the girl. The fact that you are after this girl is just a bonus for you. Don't make it a habit though.

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I agree with Nifty. I would be careful about telling her anything about her boyfriend kissing someone else she may get angry at you at not hir or she may not believe you and may accuse you for lying. But if she is your friend maybe you should. Dont tell her if the reason you are telling her is to get her as your gf, just do it as a good friend and let her get over her pain for her boyfriend before you make a move.

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I must agree with Nifty as well!


I don't think that you need to invite yourself to be a 3rd shoe. Try to back off for now, because if you get involved, then you're just asking for trouble. Why?:


1. You don't want to be her rebound.

2. She's not completely over him.

3. She's not ready.

4. It's not the right time.


Let things simmer with her and her ex. Jumping onto a person with fresh wounds will only complicate things for you. You want to try and start out with a relationship when both parnters are ready.

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Giid advice thanks! this saterday me and her are going out with a couple of her friends and my friends on my boat. I am just gonna talk to her as her a friend try and make a better relationship with her because i know she will eventually break up with this kid. SInce he is cheating on her and he is going away for college

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