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suicide: my thoughts

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I just wanted to share my opinion, I guess you could call it that, on suicide.


I have never thought about killing myself, so maybe i just dont know, but im going to share with you all anyway. Death is something that is a garantee in life. We will all die sooner or later, its a garantee for everyone. If your going to die eventually, why end your life now? You are alive for a reason. Maybe that reason hasn't been pointed out to you yet, maybe you will never know, but we are all here for some reason. Maybe your reason is because you will make a good friend to someone, or maybe your reason is because you will save lives, or teach people. Whatever the reason, you are alive to do it. Maybe life is so bad now that you wish you were dead, but you have a whole future ahead of you. Don't you want to see what may become of the future?? You could have a family, you could change the world, you could change someone elses life. You just have to survive the hard times & with time, you will. Just remember, your time to die will come when its time for you to go, just live your life now until that time comes. You never know what might happen.


This is just my opinion, sorry if I have offended anyone at all, that is not my intention. I Feel free to reply with your thoughts, or add on to mine.

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Good insight Maggie. Suicide was never a solution to any problems. It only serves to bring more misery and pain to those that you leave behind.


Life is so much more than our troubles. The challenge is how we overcome them and become stronger in the process.

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Great Post Girl. I'm with you all the way on your thoughts. I have always had a theory, that like you said no matter how bad it is.......i'm sure the people that died in the world trade centers on 9/11 would love to trade with us for just one more miserable day.............life is to be lived.......and if you get dealt a bad hand in life....hang on until you get a better hand.



Thanks Maggie



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Don't you guys ever feel that whatever is ahead, it cannot make up for what you have lost.


I'm currently feeling that there is very little point in moving on.


As Jean-Paul Sartre says, there are no perfect moments past a certain point.


You await the moment's arrival and when it arrives...i.e a confession of love, you find that doubts plague you and it seems to be the way with all things.


I thought I'd put that idea to rest with the realisation that life is more often about the anticipation than the goal. but in defining anticipation as the perfect moment, I realise that the same fears now dwarf that. because in anticipating something i hope for, i know when it arrives it will not be the occasion that kept me breathing.


i feel that so much has gone into a part of my life. a part i think defined me. and now its gone. and everything looks different but not fresh. it did for a while, but then i just realised i only want what i had back and it cant happen. or might not.


i have hopes. i have dreams.


but i no longer trust them. and trust is the most important thing in a relationship.

maybe when you have no trust in your relationship with life, you should cut it loose.


maybe you feel that the chapter is ended and you dont need to finish the story because your favourite character already died so you dont care what happens.

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Maybe that is true Spirius, but how do you know what lies ahead?? I really believe that life is what you make it. I mean, I know there are things people can't help but hate in their lives. I know that people can't control when close friends or family dies. I know that some people experience very horrible things, but that is just the bad part of life. Everyone is going to go through all of those types of things. Even people who seem to be so perfect go through things like that. Its just a matter of being able to get past it, which believe me, I know its hard. It just takes time. For some it could take a day, for others it could take their lives to get over something, but that doesn't mean that better things won't happen. You just got to separate the bad experiences from the good & stay positive through out your lifetime, which believe me again, I know that is hard to do as well. Suicice is just the easy way out. If you can get over the bad, it will only make you a better stronger person.

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hey, i really liked your post and in some sense it was very empowering, you didnt offend me in any way but you didnt sway me either (if that makes sense) i guess im one of those people who stays on the balance and basically sees both a reason to live and others reasons for wanting to die. its easy to read (like i) when i havent experianced the want to die, the fear and the horror yet they see so much more and possible beauty in that of dying, i have yet to experiance the state of mind where that is so much easier than what life has to offer now, so i have to live balanced, yeah ive had my attempts but my attampts were left at that, i sub consciously knew i wouldnt succeed, but you still have to accept others views you know?


and what happens when maybe someone wants to see light and why they are here but for some pathetic reason the sun has just cast them aside to forever live in a shadow? or dropped them in a pit where for some reason they just cant get out? i dont know i could talk for ages. but thats my brief view.


i like what you had to say,



p.s just two sides to the one coin!

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Suicide's an interesting topic because of how views have changed over the years.


Slef-slaughter before christianity was perfectly acceptable, then it was a sin, and reflected as illegal in law...now christianity isnt the dominant religion in england...and suicide is just not socially accepted.


Originally people did not so much have a concept of self as their pantheons of gods were responsible for everything in their lives. pawns etc.

without a sense of self-responsibilty....self-slaughter was seen as perfectly acceptable.

the romans etc always considered it to be the honourable thing to do and the japanses military in the 20th century found the concept much the same way.


"A good death" is a notion that seems to slip out of everyday life. it seems to offend people's sensibility because of the survival instinct.


i find it quite fascinating. been studying it at university recently.


the scariest suicidal thoughts are those unaffected by emotion.

when you aren't wildly unhappy or miserable etc.

when you intellectually find it justifiable, and have a loss of hope.


otherwise attempts can be life-affirming...in risking ones life you value it more etc.


pop-psychology for you there

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i agree with what youve put in your post and that people do have a purpose in life, but, sometimes people do come to a brink where they dont believe this any more and can then sere suicide as a better option. i can see two sides to this but i do know what you mean.


i mean what happens if the day after youve comit suicide you gain something that you'd always desired but missed it by ending it short.


just a thought.


LJ =;

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