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i dont know what catagory this one would fall in but my ex-girlfriend broke up with me becoz she said that i am too niice to her and love her too much! another one of her reasons waz becoz she misses me too much coz we live far away. i can understand her on that one but i wouldnt dump someone i truly loved over it! and she says she still loves me! How does that work! honestly!

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I was told she was giving up on our marriage because she cannot love me like I want to be loved. Or something like that.


Basically she said because of all the hurt I have done to her she can forgive me but not forget it.


Problem is the hurt she is saying I caused were things that all couples go through after having a child and she really doesn't understand that, or thinks the next guy she falls in love with won't have any flaws..


We shall see.. I have forgiven her and wish her the best in everything she does. I will make it through this and be a better person for it.


Good luck to everyone going through breakup hell. It takes time, but you will see the light.


Off topic, but I hope inspiring at the same time!!

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I was "verything she ever dreamed of, I treated her better than she ever had been or ever thought she could be treated"..it was long distance nd she didn't like crying when I wasn't there...

I sawy "What?" Isn't it better to miss someone and get to see them every now and then, rather than miss them all the time and not get to see them?

At first I thought she fed me a line, to be nice, but what she told me, quoted above, she's told my friends and her friends have told me she's said that....


Life was so much easier when I was five and girls still had cooties!

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I was dumped in highschool for playing with the guy's car stereo in his new truck. I was turning the knob too quickly or something and he was afraid I would break it. He said I didn't respect his things....? We got back together and then broke up again. He had been my first boyfriend so I was devastated. After six months of no contact, he contacted me and I agreed to meet up with him...the spark was totally gone for me, I had no idea what I had seen in him...he was such a loser! I laugh about it now with my friends--what was I thinking??


Hopefully we can all reach a similar place one day with our recent exes!!

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I was dumped because I wasn't "intellectually satisfying". Her euphemism saying that I'm not smart enough for her. Even though she was attracted to my intelligence when we first started going out. Talk about a 180. She also said I was too good for her and she doesn't want to hurt me. Whatever that means...

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Can't understand it when guys/girls treat their partner well and then they say "Oh, you're too nice, I can't possibly have a relationship with you". So if that's the case, do they want to be treated badly? Or is it just an excuse that they've gone off you?

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Oh I remember another one...

Ex to my friend---"He's not an @#$hole"

" I like @#$holes for some reason, he's just too sweet for me."


Hopefully that doesn't get me bleeped...LOL!


Why is it that girls always tell me what a great guy I am, and that any girl would be lucky to have such a nice guy...and then I turn out to be too nice...I'm not wimpy about it...I'm just sort of old fashioned, holding doors open and all that chivalrous stuff. Oh Well, one of these days right?

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bleh, i had all that "i dont like you to hold doors open for me"


followed by a stupid " i dont like to be the first one to walk into a room"excuse


seems ure damned if u do and ure damned if u dont


and i too have had the "your too nice" one.


Ok, ill treat you like **** and well stay together...

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Actually I really do think most people do like to be treated badly at least some of the time.


I say this because I think if everything is just going good all of the time there is no drama, and people like drama. Watch a soap opera sometime. They have more drama in every episode than most of us have in a lifetime. I think some people get caught up in that fantasy world that if your relationship is not on the brink all the time then you must not be doing it right.


Ho hum... The next woman I meet is going to be treated with even more respect than I gave my wife. That will probably send her running to the hills.. hehehehehe

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