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Really need help


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My girlfriend and I of 2 and a half years I just recently broke up with bc I needed a break bc i had some issues i needed to work on to improve our relationship and make her happier. But the weekend right after that when I went back to her and I told her Im myself and we'll be better now she tells me she never sees us as anything more than friends! after 2 years! She asks for space and time which i reluctanly give in fear that she'll find someone else. I tell her i wont talk to her a while if thats what she needs and she got mad. Note im only 18 and our porm is coming up, and even though we werent going out at the moment we still promised we'd go to prom together. I found out this weekend, the 2nd weekend, from a friend that she had plans of going with someone else ever since we broke up. He asked her and made it offical on saturday and she said yes even after saying yes to me! the next day after talking to the guy I text mssg her and tell her Happy easter and she tells me to stop talking to her, she never wants to see me again, and that she doesnt love me anymore. Idk what to do..ive gone 3 days without een 5 minutes of sleep, i can barely eat anything.. I dont know if she really means she doesnt love me or its bc of her rebound guy or what idk i need help plz before i make it even worse..

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I know this all seems very serious right now...but you are young, and young hearts are fickle. You are a graduating senior and you'll probably be going to college or to work soon where you will meet a new set of people.


My suggestion is to enjoy the end of high school spend time with friends, and go to prom with friends and just try to ignore her.

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that sounds easy but im going to the same college as her. I just dont know what to bc shes so hot and cold.. when we first took our break she was like begging me, then the next day shes all no we're only friends. Then the next day she loves me, etc etc. Just saturday she was telling me how she loves me so much and never wants to be away. Then she meets this guy that same night and tells me in the morning she never wants to see me or talk to me again and that shes going to prom with him.

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That's just the way that things are when you're young. This girl is still a child, she doesn't know what it means to be independent and her own person. She can't even comprehend the meaning of the word "always", so how can you expect her to know what she wants in a relationship in a year, two years, or even in the next month? College changes people, allows them to mature. I know it's hard to think in the long term right now, but very few HS relationships last the transition to college. It's an unfortunate truth.

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