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Asking out a girl over a txt.


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My boyfriend asked me out over a text message.

It's a long story but we couldn't talk on the phone, it was the holidays families and such. We talked about how I've liked him for a few years and he's liked me for a few years and he just said

'So it would be pretty sweet to say I'm dating kenshinkitten (but my real name)'


And we've been together for 3.3 years so far. ^^

I thought it was cute.

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I wouldn't want to date someone who doesn't have courage. If you lack the courage to ask face to face, what else would you not be willing to stand up for? That's what asking through text kind of says to me, you know?


So if Brad Pitt texted you to go out, you would say no?!

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I don't know the background between you and this girl but I don't think it's a bad idea. I don't even think that facebook is that terrible.


The only thing is says about you is that you're too shy to ask out a girl in person. Big deal, you might be a great person once you get to know a girl.

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I wouldn't want to date someone who doesn't have courage. If you lack the courage to ask face to face, what else would you not be willing to stand up for? That's what asking through text kind of says to me, you know?
Courage? I don't think you have any idea what it is like to be a shy man.If a man isn't willing to ask you out in person ,then that means he lacks courage?Some of the most honest and couragous people I know are painfully shy people.
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Well there is a thread a bit down asking about asking a girl on a date over facebook. The responce was all NO. So now i'm curious. Is txt just as bad?
It depends on the context of your realtionship.If she is someone that you see all the time and you have ample opportunites to converse with her ,then yes,it would be better to ask her out in person.If you hardly ever see her or maybe you only see her when you are in a crowded bar then use whatever means you have [a text]to ask her out.If she likes you already [and I am sure she has an opinon about that right now]then the ''means'' isn't that important.Keep it simple though,you don't want to play games.''Hi,this is John I am going out to a movie,would you like to come?''
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I'd say so.

The way I see it, if a guy likes me enough to want to date me, then he should like me enough to be brave and ask me in person.

Best of luck


Whilst I said it's a still a big No, this wants me to also say that was out of acceptance rather than opinion. It would be great if text was ok, but unfortunately in society this is where guys get screwed over, so I don't like it but I accept in having to do it.

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I'd say text > facebook, because facebook is so public. text is more private, more meant for me. I asked my boyfriend out over msn. ahahhaha. it was kind of a weird situation though. I'm sure he would've asked me out face-to-face if I had given him that chance!

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