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i dont know wat to do bout havin sex...plzz HELP!!!

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ok...theres dis guy tat i met n hes really cute but hes alil older then me..ok im 14 1/2 and hes 17 n he likes me n evathing but he has a gf but he wants to have sex wit me soo bad but i dont know if im ready for it i mean yea i like him alot but still n he doesnt wanna wear a condom tat scares me even more...hes like ull love it just plz..and i dont nkow wat to do CAN SUMONE PLZ HELP ME!!

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Well, first off, do you want sex also, or is he just pressuring you into having sex with him? Another thing, he has a girlfriend and hes older than you, two things that make him sound like a bad person to have UNPROTECTED sex with, just for fun. I say dont have sex with him, especially if he doesnt even want to do it with a condom. It also sounds like he just wants to use you, he DOES have a girlfriend. Have you even had sex before? If he really cares for you, reject his offer, no matter how much you like him. If he likes you, he will respect you for more than his sexual needs.

(and this is just me, but as a christian I believe in having sex only after being married, so abstinence would probably be even better for you, so try not only to reject his offer, but wait till marrage for sex, but this is just my opinion)

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There is something in your head that is telling you that this would not be a good thing to do - for many reasons.


That girl in our head that speaks to us when we are unsure, is one of the best friends we will ever have. Listen to her, she knows what's best for you.


Also, if this is your first time, if you are not with someone who cares very deeply about you, it's not likely that you will love it. Please take some time to think this over. Sometimes the best thing to do when you don't know what to do, is to do NOTHING.



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I know at your age the last thing you want is someone telling you what to do (or not to do) But I really don't think you should sleep with him...esp. without a condom...you're too young to deal with the problems that come with sex. Plus this guy seems like a horrible guy, and I don't think you want to have to look back at losing your virginity to a guy like that. Be strong and don't let him push you into something you don't want!

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hun.... first of all this guy has a GIRLFRIEND.... he most likely doesn't want you for much else other than sex.... you have to decide what you want from him.... this is your choice.... but if you do decide to do something with him.... the whole no condom thing is not an option.... your 14 1/2.... the last thing you need is to get pregnant.... not good.... and if you don't feel ready.... don't let some guy who doesn't respect your needs, desires and wishes be your first.... not cool

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Perhaps you're a lil excited by his words that you don't see the big picture:


-He's 17 and has a girlfriend

-He wants unprotected sex

-If you get pregnent, this airhead will just dump everything on you and you're going to be the one dealing with the consequences, NOT HIM


No offence but, he's just using you for sex. I mean, people crave sex, but looking back and seeing that you've lost your virginity by being used is not a good way. Especially when it becomes a total disaster where he doesn't use a condom, you can get pregnent, he most likely slept around, and you get some form of STD. I'm sorry for sounding like a parent but, the moral of my post was that having sex isn't the issue, the fact that you're giving your virginity away to some brainless bafoon who doesn't want to use a condom.. Priceless but 0% effective. Spend a dollar on a condom w/ lubrication in a washroom and be almost 100% effective.

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Hi. As someone who's turning 15 in august and lost her virginity this year, i'm hoping i can help you a little bit. (feel free to PM me.) 1, do not have sex unless you think you're ready, and don't start thinking "okay i'm ready" just because the guy keeps bugging you about it. if you do this before you're ready, you will regret it, and there won't be anything you can do about it. 2, NEVER go without some form of protection during sex, (especially just because this guy doesnt want to use one) if you ended up pregnant, a guy that was pressuring you about sex isnt too likely to be there for you then. either be on birth control, don't have sex, or use a condom. AHH, i sound like a mom. having sex is fun, just make sure you don't do it before you're ready, and don't do it for a guy who's pressuring you (you don't want to lose your virginity to someone like that, do you?). just remember, even though it's hard, you don't have to be in some big hurry...


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heres what i firmly believe: if you are questioning anything then you shouldnt do it, because in your head you arent ready for it. that goes for everything, not just sex, but most importantly i think its a good thing for u to think of in regards to sex.


this guy is a creep, he is so much older than you, he has a girlfriend who im sure he has no intention of leaving, and he is OBVIOUSLY using ur niavity to get some action on the side. He'll trash u and ur rep as soon as he's finished with you, don t let him have the satisfaction.

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I was 22 when i lost my virginity and im 23 now, when i was 16 i so wanted to loose it but i wasnt ready, im proud that i didnt loose it until i was 22, some people may think that being 22 and not having sex is sad but i dont care!!


I tried to loose my virginity when i was 19 and that was the biggest mistake of my life as i was wasnt ready and with a guy that didnt give a shit!! and he basically laughed at me beacuse i couldnt do it!!


You may think that at 14 you are grown up and maybe you are but it is illegal,


He wants to ahve sex unprotected!!!!!!, a big NO, if you get pregnant this guy will not support you!!


He already has a girl friend, put yourself in that girls shoes, how would you feel if that happened to you and your boyfriend cheated on you, you would be heart broken!!



It is easy for me to say dont do it, im sure you will come to the right decision for you,

Good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let's consider what you can get out of this relationship. You can get CHLAMYDIA, GONORRHEA, SYPHILIS, HERPES, AIDS, HEPATITIS, GENITAL WARTS, TRICHOMONIASIS VAGINALIS, or PAPILOMAVIRUS. You can also get an unwanted pregnacy. You can get a bad reputation & isolation. It doesn't seem to me as if you'll be getting the best part of the experience.

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