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saw my ex last night

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Intimate dinner party - 8 or so people

she was very clingy. Doing strange things like kissing my hand, hugging me tight, even though i know she is seeing some other guy. She broke up with me and then acts like this - totally inappropriate as far as i'm concerned.

Still, i did not respond to her affection much, and maintained control. Avoided getting into conversation. the whole experience usually makes people feel better; feel like they have some kind of control, but for me, when i walked out of there (early) and she came out with me and caught me in another huge hug, and I told her it would get easier and she had to give me space, it only made me sad, realising that i still really loved her, and she made no grand gesture to run after me, or call me, or anything. I guess it really is over.


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You did really well not to give into what she wanted ... which was probably massaging her own ego.


Don't worry about the impact your behaviour has on her in that she didn't run after you ... take pride in that even though it was hard you made positive moves towards getting what you want and need from life. It may hurt now but in the long run you'll be a lot better for this.

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turns out she got a job at a company i do freelance for - she called me today about a job and unfortunately we got into a conversation about "us"

i explained that i wasnt in a place where we could be friends yet etc etc, and she was trying to justify breaking up with me as "bad timing."

I wish she would just accept the consequences of her decision and leave me alone, but she suggested we go for a bike ride and all sorts of weird * * * * .


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First you say this: it only made me sad, realising that i still really loved her, and she made no grand gesture to run after me, or call me, or anything. I guess it really is over.


Then you say this:

I wish she would just accept the consequences of her decision and leave me alone, but she suggested we go for a bike ride and all sorts of weird


I dont think you even know what you want Mr! You either want her in your life or you dont. She obviously likes you-not every one is out to boost their ego! Pfft!

It seems that you complain that she doesnt make any effort and then when she does you blow it up in her face, shame on you!

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