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Have to confront my ex after 8 months NC

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I'm so angry and hurt. The only guy I've ever been with has given me the STI chlamydia. We weren't offically together in the last year and we both knew we could see other people but he PROMISED me he was being safe. Now I find this out! I haven't even kissed another guy so at least that solves narrowing it down.


I really don't want to see him but I have no contact numbers for him, he'll throw away any letters I send him, so it really only gives me the choice of confronting him at work. It makes me sick that after finally being strong enough to walk away from his abuse I have to do this. But it's a given. The last thing this country needs is more losers like him spreading it around.


How should I go about this? He won't be happy to see me and I really have no desire to talk to him. I could call his parents but it's really none of thier business. I don't want this to end any uglier than it's already been with him and I've been doing so well with 8 months of NC thanks to my amazing friends and family. Any suggestions??

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You left him after giving you clamydia? I thought it was the most easily cured STI out there, but then again he didn't tell you.

What you could do is go together and get treated, I think all they'll do is give you some anti-biotics considering its just a bacterial infection. And from the sounds he doesn't know alot about it, so he'll probably be glad you turned up to 'cure' him.

Oh and kissing doesn't pass clamydia on, so your safe to kiss, it only infects you lower areas, so no sex!!

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Clamydia is easily cured...But there are not always symptoms...for a man or a woman...If left untreated it can leave a woman unable to conceive since it will leave scars on the fallopian tubes...(I know a woman who had it for almost a year and now has a very hard time conceiving.)..You should be treated immediately and yes, tell him so he does pass it on to some other poor unsuspecting woman. Could you Email him..Or just leave a note on his desk at work without your signature.. ( Found out you have given me clamydia, haven't been with anyone but you....you should get yourself checked and treated)....That way he will be sure to read it and he will not be able to pass it around and embarrass you.. also if he confronts you on it you could always play dumb and say it wasnt me....but thanks for the info...

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Just say quietly, "I have bad news and need to tell you, but I won't stay. Where can we step for a minute?" Then tell him, "You may not realize you have this, but the only source of mine is from you--it's chlamydia, and you need to go get treated." Then walk away without another word.


In your corner.

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I'm assuming you want to tell him so he and any other women he's been with can get tested also. i like the note idea but he will have no idea which women he would need to contact. Does he go back 3 months, a year, longer? Did the Dr find this at your annual exam? If so, he would need to contact all women he's been with since your previous exam when nothing was found. You may want to contact your local health dept. They may send him a letter to inform him so you wouldn't have to.

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I've taken the anti-biotics, the dr had enclosed a script along with the letter so that was a relief. But yes, I do need to tell him so it doesn't get spread to some unsuspecting girl.


He won't know he has it, he hates doctors and always told me that he was safe so had nothing to worry about. I was stupid for believing him when I KNEW he was a pathological liar so a lesson learnt the hard way. I'm going to see him today if he's at work, will call ahead and make sure he's there.


Feel sick thinking about it. I've had no desire or reason to speak to him until now. Yuck.

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I'm assuming you want to tell him so he and any other women he's been with can get tested also. i like the note idea but he will have no idea which women he would need to contact. Does he go back 3 months, a year, longer? Did the Dr find this at your annual exam? If so, he would need to contact all women he's been with since your previous exam when nothing was found. You may want to contact your local health dept. They may send him a letter to inform him so you wouldn't have to.


Actually, I kind of like the idea of the health dept telling him...A lot of clinics will ask who you have been with and take the info and contact the person themselves...THIS MAY WORK.....Without you even having to get involved...

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