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I l**e my cousin ...Help! Part 2!

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Hello again all of you! I'm pretty sure you people still remember me and my post about my cousin right? and for those who haven't read that post of mine I think you can access it through the forum under the love forum then just look for the title "I l**e my cousin ...Help!" and you can read the whole story there of how everything got started.


As I was saying, hello again to everyone here at eNotAlone that has helped me so much in a million ways well the continuation that I wanted to tell you guys was that I decided to actually tell her, why? Well I've always believed that the closeness of my relationship to my cousin would make her understand and not just run out of the room screaming, She herself told me that she was a radical thinker, open to many thoughts and ideas.


It started out like any other normal day in the world, I wake up groan about life and think of her then go to work. And so that is what happened, while at work I kept thinking that its been about 3 weeks already since I've last contacted her or talked to her and there was this family gathering later on that evening so I decided to send her a text message on my phone. I asked her in the message how she was doing and what she has been doing lately and so I we met up that evening at the gathering and had the usual non-informative enjoyable chats that we used to have a few years back. I told her I got a new cat and so I invited her to see it and we spent a couple of hours together in the room playing with the cat and just talking about stuff. After awhile it was time for her to leave and again my heart sank at the sight of her leaving so I told her we should get together again sometime, so we agreed that weekdays in the evening would be good and so we did meet. We even decided to watch a movie it was Gothika actually. After the movie we decided to hang out at their place since it had a really wonderful view of the metro. So we went to their condo and up to the 26th floor and sat ourselves down in a nice quiet corner of the roof deck... I just thought to myself "this is it... this is the perfect place to open up and tell her how I feel about her!".


The place has a great view, a breeze cool and calm enough to tame the angriest of beasts, so we start by telling each other stories about the movies then something heavier from time to time like her love life and mine and things like that then thats when I decided to break it out to her, since we were already into telling each other life stories and things like that. So I wait a bit more for the conversation to deepen and maybe develop a serious mood to it then thats when I told her that since were the best of friends and the closest of cousins I told her maybe you should tell me your own secrets and then I'll tell you mine and we could both help resolve each others problems, and so we did it and thats when I decided to break it to her slowly. First lets give her a name... Vanessa will do so this is how I started "Vanessa, you know how were cousins unlike many other cousins coz were really close and we can really talk about anything right?" she nods her head in concern... "Have you ever wondered about the way I treat you like I really respect you and I try to be a gantlean in everyway I can?" nods again... "Did you ever think why?" So she tells me that she did think a couple of times that I liked her more than a cousin bt she just dismissed it and thought that maybe I saw her as a younger sister that I never had or something like that... I said "No no it's nothing like that... its just that I think your the perfect girl, I like everything about you and I feel something for you."


After a long silence she told me that "Assassin(thats my user name if your wondering) I'm sorry to tell you this but I'm actually flattered and I want to hug you right now." At this point my heart just froze and sort of had a hard time starting to beat again. I take a deep breath and tell her that its ok I understand what she was trying to say even though I didn't know.


So we kept talking about how I felt and true enough my feelings were right that she wouldn't freak out or just disappear on me even though she wanted to disappear coz I asked her what she honestly felt.

Then we continued talking into the night discussing what to do and what to feel and what we shouldn't do and other things like that it was real fun and lighthearted until I left for home and the whole think sank in to her so she texted me a message and said that she wished she had never found out and when I saw that I wished for the same thing that very moment. I thought I was going to lose her for good. I texted back apologizing till my fingers just fell off from the sheer speed I was typing messages into my mobile phone. I remembered her last reply was the help I could give her for now was to just let her be, I just wanted to die then! So I did stop texting her just until morning then I asked her again how she was doing and all that and she said she was better after hearing that I was so relieved so I decided to ask to be with her again on Friday and thats when we got together for coffee on the roof deck again and so we started talking freely about different things and Ideas and she wasn't troubled or nervous anymore and she even told me some of her own secrets and the best thing is she agreed with me when I said thats we would have been a perfect couple had we not been related When she did agree with me on that I suddenly felt changed and y longing for her subsided well just a small percentage but I still felt that it did subside so I told her that I really want to see her on a more regular basis and she kinda agreed coz I told her that it kinda helped me whenever I saw her its like her very presense just makes me happy, now thanks to incredible courage or incredible stupidity I am now 500% closer to my cousin and were happy and I think of her as my very best friend, more than anyone else I know and thats the end of the whole damn thing! Again I want to thank the people here who took their valuable time to waste it on me I couldn't have done it without them! The thing is I want to know why is it that when I'm with her I don't feel so much in love with her as when were not together? Is it because absense makes the heart grow fonder?

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Good job, the reason you feel that way in the end is probably because now you think of her as a very close friend over having an infatuation for her. When she leaves you, your heart probably just yearns for her company, it just looks like you enjoy being with her, as a cousin and a friend. If you still have feelings for her in ways as you previously posted, I still recommend finding another woman to fill that gap, but still enjoy your company with your cousin, be good friends with her, its an uncanny bond not seen by many cousins, and thats a good thing.

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I'm glad everything worked out for the best. Perhaps the reason that you're feeling differently now after you've told her is because it isn't this secret forbidden romance, which was exciting. Many people long for excitement in their love life and will try to seek it in a variety of places. Now that you've both agreed that you guys would've made the perfect couple had you not been related I suggest that you drop the matter and stop talking about it all together. Afterall, it's done with, and is now an issue of the past.

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Guys I think I'm sorry to use this word but your abso***inlutely correct! We met again this evening to watch badboys to on my laptop at the 26th floor again and after we had our talk again and decided to talk more about the topic and as of now weve decided to be the best of friends and be cousins closer than any other cousin kind of bond that anyone has ever had we even decided to watch movies on the laptop every friday so we would never our friendship its kinda like a promise we would always be there to help each other and man it feels good to get that off my friggin chest! Now the problem is where can I find a girl who has her personality... Thats what I've always liked in her

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