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Help me get inside her head


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Well, this girl that I have been crazy about for a while broke up with her BF of 6 years about 8 months ago. We had known each other by then for a couple of years. We were seeing each other for 4 or 5 months after they broke up, but she was always reminding me that she couldnt commit to me; that she wanted to go travelling, that she needed to be "free" and that she just got out of a serious relationship. Nothing really changed, though, and we kept seeing each other, until eventually she started to be more explicit about having to be single, and started kissing another guy.

I have been on and off NC for the last 3 months, but when she told me about this other guy, she said

"you dont have to worry about him"

ie she is not serious about him

do you think this means anything at all?


I know you will say i should move on completely and forget it, but I will always have a place for her in my heart. She was my first love. Do you think I need to keep NC and just leave it to the gods, or should I be doing something else ?

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Do you think I need to keep NC and just leave it to the gods?


Yes, this is the best thing that you can do.


If she has the option of being with you, and yet chooses to mess around with someone she is not serious about, then that either says something about her character, or about where she is at the moment. Perhaps this other guy is just out for something un-serious.

In any case, She's made it pretty clear what she wants/doesn't want, and it's in your best interest to keep away.

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