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So my ex and I have all the same friends. She broke up with me and I have been distraught for 3 months - keep breaking NC and making things worse and essentially never attempted to protect myself, just continued to be honest about the way i feel, and I guess that she did to - in the sense that she doesnt want to be with me (now) and i want to be with her (now)


I keep having to turn down invitations for parties when she is going, which is fair being that it is I that insist on having NC. However, am I not just coming off weak if I cant even face her? Should I not try and bottle it up and just be myself and try and get along? then, if she tries to call etc after the party/parties i can just ignore the phone calls messages etc....

I just dont want to appear weak and pathetic... still, i keep breaking NC and it has only been 10 days since i last kissed her (even though she has been involved with someone else casually for the last 3 months since we broke up)



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You cant keep avoiding her forever. For you to have a happy life like what you deserve you need to be able to comfortably interact with your friends. I know that kind of thing will hurt to see her, but if she can hang out with your friends than so can you. Its going to be hard but you will have to get used to seeing her around. To keep your dignity and pride you must be able to interact with your friends without being sad about your ex. Go to those parties and ignore her. You need to live too.

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Mate. I would just go to these partys. You dont have to go to every single one you get invited to though.


I know it will be hard seeing her and what not. But try and keep your emotions well hidden. Easier said than done, i know.


Start chatting to different people, make out your having a good time. If your ex sees this, then she wont think your weak. Sure it might even perk up her interest more in you. Especially if you chat to girls. Even though i know its your ex that you want.


If you happen to bump into her at these partys, just try to act cool calm and collected.

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I'd stay away from the parties for a little bit.

At least until you are sure you can be k with seeing her.

When you do go and can't deal with her being around, just leave and say you have ANOTHER party to go to.


I'm sure she doesn't think you're weak.

Keeping NC shows you are strong and you are!

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