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Update: Is my ex playing a game?/Will meet ex in 2 days....

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Hi everyone


I was the one wanting badly to get back with an ex of dating for 2 months...

I went through bad sleeps, reading self-help books, coming to this forum everyday during the past 5 weeks... well I had started to work on myself since 2-3 weeks ago.

I was trying hard to initiate contacts with him in some non-pushy ways (by few emails and texts, lately finding good excuses to meet him), but I did try to postpone a bit in replying him...

he delayed our meeting...cancelled it...and proposed a new date....etc... I don't know if he played 'hard to get' or not.


After broke up for 5 weeks, we finally met tonight...


Good conversation, a lot of laughters, he looked at me with sparks in his eyes(I think)... when we left the cafe and walked towards his car, it was very windy and I didn't wear much so I felt a bit cold. He then put his arm on my shoulder (to give me some warmth), and touched my back a bit too...I didn't react to that, as I wasn't sure enough of his intention, and I don't want to go fast before we talk more on relationship.


After got off in front of my place, we talked for 20-30 minutes more, there was much flirting... I mentioned to him my shoulders were hurt from shopping yesterday, then we hugged a bit (he initiated that) before he took off.


After he left, I sent him text to say: I had fun tonight and good night; he replied "sorry didn't have time for a massage to your shoulder, will do it for you next time"... a few more texts back and forth...


Yes, so clearly, very possible we are getting back together soon.



Nevertheless, I still can't believe what happened tonight...

I didn't expect at all he showed so much feelings on me since it was like impossible to have a 2nd chance when he dumped me. (I am thinking he might be guilty about dumping me... I wasn't aware there was problem in our relationship. I was so shocked and hurt!)


He is now back into the position of chasing me again... I feel good that I was totally another person in front of him comparing with 5-6 weeks ago.



I am looking forward to your congrats.

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Yes, so clearly, very possible we are getting back together soon.


What gives you that impression?

I'm not picking that up from the info you've given...



He is now back into the position of chasing me again... I feel good that I was totally another person in front of him comparing with 5-6 weeks ago.




Again, I'm not getting this from what you've posted.


You had a good night with him, there was some flirting and he mentioned 'next time'.

Is there anything that you're missing out from your post that would make it clearer as to why you think he's chasing you or that you're close to getting back together?


I'm not trying to burst your bubble, but I'd hate for you to be getting too far ahead of yourself here...


From what you've written, I think that things sound like they have improved between you, you have a better handle of your emotions and that he is more open to meeting up with you. That's certainly a step in the right direction....but just how far is unclear, yet.

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Yes, I understand. I will take things slow and make sure myself don't run after him.


2 infos were missing, you can judge for me:


1. I told him I went out often for some activities lately, and he said he didn't go out a lot in past weeks, (which I think he might miss my presence, and his best friends are married or in stable relationship), and I think he didn't like the fact that I enjoy myself a lot by spending time with my friends;


2. he texted "sorry had no time to help with your hurting shoulder tonight",

I replied "you are thoughtful...you made me laugh, that helps, laughing is a good massage"

he replied good, next time massage instead of laughing

I replied you...but do you indicate I will get my shoulders hurt again?

He replied: "you probably will, if not, it can be your neck from working too much in front of computer or your feet from walking too much."

I think he was trying to "seduce" me a bit, as he was acting like that when we started dating.


Also the way he looked at me, it's hard to tell here... I am positive, but I will keep focusing on myself as before.

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