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old bf calls.....werid feelings

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hi i have a great bf...we do have our trouble but he doesnt play games weve been together for 8mths

now an old bf emailed me and i used to like him...hes exciting, got money but he likes the ladies a wee bit eventho i have broken his heart(long story)...i kinda got excited to get the email....is that norm eventho u love ur guy......

i like that my man doesnt play games

is this just the usual thing when ur getting in to a long realtionship?

plz respond asap

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It is not uncommon for this type of thing to happen, especially since you are in a good, stable relationship. You are excited to get this email since it make you have the butterflies again that your current bf doesn't give you. But should your ex even have your current email addie or is it that you haven't really given yourself completely to your current bf? The sizzle you have when you first are with someone new doesn't last forever, but you have to decide if you want butterflies all the time, or a good solid relationship with someone worth being with. Isn't there always a good reason than an ex is an ex?


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hi thanxs for the info

well we were friends for a bout a year and i liked him but hid it well....i sorta new he liked me but didnt want to take the chance...woman love him and i didnt know what to do...i also found out i was preg and helped me alot

then about 2yrs later we got in touch and started talking(this summer) and he addmittied he liked me beofr but i broke his heart when i moved home

so we started dating and i could tell he really liked me...but then he started to call less and said that i had a wall up..which i did i guess

i think he was scared id break his heart agin.which i wouldnt have

so i told him to call me when he knew what he wanted and three weeks later i met my now bf

im moving back to where my ex lives and where my current bf live and i would like to remain friends with him but dont think my bf would want to..since we had sex beofre

no he still has my adress from this summer

any more info would be great

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my perception of this situation is changing slightly now.


This email you received, does to me sounds like hes curious, however they could just be in a friendly way. After all, he never did make that call to you saying he knew what he wanted and why on earth you want to get back to stage one again!?


Yeah its exciting getting a message from an ex, it is for me, but ts doesnt take much to bring back all the obvious things that meant it didnt work the first time.


Goodluck with things,



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