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I dont feel like celebrating my b.day..

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Hey guys, its my b.day today and I feel even more lonely then I had the past few weeks... this is my first birth day in 9 years that I wont have someone there to cuddle with at night or to make me breakfast or to be there to make sure Im having a good time... I just moved out from being with a roommate to a bachelor so its even more alone.. I shouldnt feel this way since I have tons of friends and Im going to a hockey game tonight with them and going out to the bar this weekend to celebrate but its like im missing something and I dont know how to make this sad feeling go away...

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Single birthdays are the best birthdays in my opinion. I say this because you can focus fully on your friends and just having a plain ol good time without having to worry if your date isnt having a hot time. As well you are free to flirt dance and talk to whoever you want, and hey tell friends to bring friends you never know who you will meet. Your options are totally open and limitless so the last thing you should do is sulk. I spent my 21st birthday single but I had a blast (he broke up with me a week before).

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Single birthdays are the best birthdays in my opinion. I say this because you can focus fully on your friends and just having a plain ol good time without having to worry if your date isnt having a hot time. As well you are free to flirt dance and talk to whoever you want, and hey tell friends to bring friends you never know who you will meet. Your options are totally open and limitless so the last thing you should do is sulk. I spent my 21st birthday single but I had a blast (he broke up with me a week before).


I agree, this is an opportunity in disguise - live it up! Easier said than done, I know, but try to "fake it till you make it" and you just might surprise yourself.



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It was my birthday yesterday and i spent it with my friends and had a great time. I did wish i got a text from my ex but he doens;t even remember but it was gonna ruin my day


Happy birthday and don;t let it get u down.

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First off, Happy Birthday! Secondly, live it up! You might just have a better time than you think and remember the fact that you have wonderful friends that are there to make sure it is still a wonderful night for you. But most importantly, do something yourself for yourself so that *you* make it a good day for *yourself.*


I spend every B-day with my mom. She takes me out to the Olive Garden. I refuse to change this tradition for anyone, and when I was dating my ex, I still made sure I spent time with my mom on my birthday. Because at the end of the day, she'll always be part of my life...a guy...well, my ex kinda proved my point on that one!

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Yeah, it's hard to focus on anything else when that someone takes up all your thoughts...it may seem hard to go out and enjoy it with friends when all you can think about the "now", but I definitely recommend going out with your friends; stay in that moment! Have fun!!!

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