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Got an e-mail from an ex today.

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Its been just over 2 weeks since my now ex-gf of 4 months broke up with me. She broke up with me over the phone stating that she felt we weren't right for each other, and my reaction was angry and malicious to say the least. A few days after the conversation I sent her an e-mail apologizing for my behavior and the things I said during our conversation. I made a point of saying in the email that it was not an attempt to get her back, that I respected and accepted her decision to end things, and that I did not hate her; the email was just a way of making sure the hurtful things I said to her were not the last things I ever said to her. Today she sent me a similar response telling me what a great boyfriend I was to her and that she had no other reason other than that she thought we were not right for each other to break up with me, but also that she feels like the breakup was the best thing for both of us. While I am not doing a complete backslide, I do feel myself slightly regressing from the progress I have made in the last 2 weeks. Any thoughts or insight into what I should do from this point on would be appreciated. Also does my sending the email a few days after the breakup really count as breaking no contact? Thank you for reading.

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Even if she called you up, told you that you meant the world to her, and that she had made a mistake, that she wanted you back, it STILL likely wouldn't be positive contact. Generally, those "he's just not right for me" feelings don't dissipate over time. If anything, they become amplified.


Your best bet is really just to stop all contact, move on, and find someone else. This is a difficult journey, but it's best for you in the long run most of the time.

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I agree with you jettison. And I also agree with her that the breakup was the best thing for both of us, although the breakup has been tough I do find myself more relaxed and at peace with things not having to constantly worry about the relationship or about what she is thinking or feeling. Needless to say based on her behavior, especially toward the end I spent ALOT of time worrying about where our relationship was headed.

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