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justed turned 18 and couldn't stop thinking...


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hey all first, its been awhile since i've been here...


ok well umm i just turned 18 yesterday (woo driving and clubbing here i come but what got to me ssince then is that i havent had a realtionship at all and well ya know being 18 i thought i would have at least one b4 i turned 18... do u guys think its strange or am i the only one?


like i have alot of "girl friends" but none of which i have had a "girlfriend realtionship with"... any thoughts would be nice




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hey there


happy birthday by the way. i also just recently turned 18, and like you, have never had a relationship. your already one step ahead with the girl friends, coz i have no guy friends either, going to an all girls school and all. No worries about not having a relationship because its not strange at all. It means absolutely nothing, people always start dating at different times, why, my brother just got his first official girlfriend at ag 21! Love finds you when the time is right, sometimes you have to take steps to make it happen, but all in all, you'll know when the timing is right.


There is no late time for these things. it will happen. Goodluck



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Happy 18th!!


I didn't have my first real boyfriend until I was 19, so you're not alone. There is no right age or time to have a partner. It happens when it happens, when the time is right. While you are still single, go out there and have fun! Enjoy the single life while you still have it, because you never know, around the corner could be the girl you've been waiting for That's the beauty of love - you never know when it's going to hit you

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  • 2 weeks later...

Totally understand you! I'm 19.. and I didn't get my boyfriend until 7 months after my 18th birthday. It's okay and normal to feel this way, and the right person will come a long. I thought something was wrong with me and that nobody liked me.. but that wasn't the case. Different people have different tastes. Just gotta push yourself out there and if you find someone worth having, dont let her go!

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