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Hi Everyone,


I participated in the weekend challenge of trying to approach 20 girls. Unfortunately I couldn't make it to 20, however over the next couple of days I will fulfill the challenge.

I stayed at home on Saturday because there was some idiot that jumped over the brickwall and fence into the front courtyard of our unit. I was down at the shops getting some food while this was happening, my brother rang me on the mobile and told me about it. My brother was really scared and worried so I stayed home and did some cleaning. If I was home at the time I would have went out with a stick and wacked him. We will probably be looking for another unit to rent preferably not on ground level.

I went to the city today, however on Sunday's there are fewer people around than Saturdays, I only managed to do 8 approaches. I will make up for it over the next couple of days.


Approach 1. On the street: I spotted this girl walking with a group of her friends, I tried a couple of times to get her attention but she was wearing headphones listening to music so I had to tap her on the shoulder. I asked her a few questions and she answered, however I was slowing her down from her friends walking ahead of her. She told me that she had a boyfriend.


Approach 2. On the street: I saw a girl walking towards me and I noticed that she was wearing headphones listening to music so I walked directly in her pathway so that she would have to stop. I immediately noticed that up close she didn't look as good as when I saw her from a distance. I tried to get a conversation going but I wasn't get much of a response from her so I moved on.


Approach 3. I walked into a clothing store and starting talking to one of the girls working there. She seemed really nice and we chatted briefly. Her co-worker had this big grin on her face and was eaves dropping on us from a distance, but I didn't mind. I said that it would be cool if we meet upstairs in the foodcourt sometime for a milkshake or bubble tea. But she was reluctant because we didn't know each other. If I'm near MarketCity shopping area I might drop by the store again and see if she's there and ask her out.


Approach 4. I walked into another clothing store and started talking to the shop assistant. She had a boyfriend so I moved on.


Approach 5. There was a girl browsing around a store so I walked in and chatted briefly with her, however when I asked her if she'd like to meet up sometime she said she couldn't.


Approaches 6 & 7. Did two more approaches on the street however there wasn't much to talk about.


Approach 8. On the street: I was crossing at the lights when I approached this girl that walked past me, she seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere however I managed to get her attention and we chatted briefly. She asked for my number and she put my digits into her mobile phone.


I will be posting followups.

Anyone that has approaches that they wish to share please post them.




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Sorry to hear that you got side-lined sweet, good luck over the next few days. Here are my results so far:



3 completely random walk ups in the mall. This was VERY strange, I just spotted a woman in the crowd and without doing anything imediately walked over and started (tried to start) a conversation. This didn't prove very helpfull, but it was really good for working up the confidence. I didn't know these people and would never see them again, so they got to be guinee pigs.


1 eye contact/smile/approach This worked signifigantly better. Again at the mall, I walked around the mall slowly trying to make eye contact with every person who passed me. Most people woudn't make eye contact, or would turn their eyes away imediately. Anyway, the first woman I passed to hold eye contact was sitting having lunch, I gave a smile then broke eye contact. Reestablished a few seconds later, she smilled, I went over and had a very nice conversation with Sara Who is a very nice girl going to a nearby community college. We eventually exchanged emails. So that was productive.


1 planned meeting of a friend of a friend. I actually was supposed to go out on a date saturday night. The girl, who shall remain nameless was really ummmm.... not my type, either physically or mentally. But I think I should still get credit because I did at least care on a pleasent conversation with her and did get to know her.


So that brings my total for saturday to 5.


I slept till noon on sunday(today) so not sure how productive I'll be today, we'll see.

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At noon I quickly went to Subway to get a turkey breast sub. While I standing at the lights waiting to cross George street I approached this girl. I said "hi how are you, are you on your lunch break?", she just stared at me for a couple of seconds with a pissed off look on her face then she said in a very hostile tone of voice "what's it matter to you" then she added "I have a boyfriend". I have learnt that looks can be very deceiving, some people that appear friendly can shock you with their pugnacious attitude, while some people that appear to be cold surprise you with their open and friendly nature.

I got my turkey breast sub and was returning to the office when this girl walked in front of my path, the greeting "hi" just came out without my thinking. She turned and said hello, I asked her if she worked in the city and she told me that she did. I asked her if she was single and she that she was kind of single. I asked her if she'd like to get together for lunch sometime, she thought about it for a few seconds and told me that she was kind of seeing someone. Afterwards I realised that I asked her out too quickly.

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All that stuff you are doing sounds great, the more approaches you do, then the more it becomes second nature. (Like you said "hi" without even thinking)


Establish a little more rapport first, stuff in common, something that proves you are not a psycho and are normal.


Don't ask to "go out on a date", ask to get a coffee/drink in a public place, its alot less pressure and you can get around the "Boyfriend" excuse by saying its "just a drink".



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That's really cool, sweetapples! It seems like you're good at chatting it up with ladies. I only wish I were able to strike up a conversation with a woman that I've never met before. Might I ask how it is that you got over it?


Hi Tom,


I'm 25 and I am yet to go on my first date. I suffer from extreme shyness and thereforeeee never had enough courage to ask out a girl for a date. In the past I have been friends with girls that I knew liked me however I was too much of a wimp to ask them out.


And don't you hate the feeling when you are in public and there is a girl that is looking at you waiting for you to make the first move but you don't have the courage to approach her and say hi.


I remember the most obvious sign when I was once sitting on a bus. The hot woman sitting on the seat opposite facing me gave me a really nice friendly smile when we made eye contact, but I quickly looked away and looked out the window. She was trying to get my attention but I was a wuss. She started rubbing her hands up and down her legs and started to moan gently. I didn't even have the courage to make eye contact with her again. Thinking back to these type of incidents made me realise that I need to do something about my shyness.


My new year's resolution was to do something about it, so I started doing approaches. If I see a girl that I think is attractive then I want to be able to approach her. I have overcome my fear of approaching and generally think I can approach any girl, now my next step is to practice getting chatting for a while before asking them out.

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Another obvious come-on that I missed was when I was once at a nightclub. There was this cute blonde that lifted her top and exposed her brests to me, she then came up to me and started rubbing her chest up against me. I should have started kissing her.


There was also this girl that I used to work with I had a crush on but regret not being able to express myself. Once we were sitting on a couch and she layed down and rested her head in my lap, she then started to unbutton my pants, but I quickly stood up and excused myself because I was a shy piece of chicken.


I curse my damn shyness!

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