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I'm normally good at reading signals

Cheeky Charmer

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This girl I know (well, she started working in my office a few weeks ago.... I know it's a bad idea but when you like someone and all that), she knows I'm keen and since Valentines day we've been e-mailing and texting each other quite a lot. I have always loved the thrill of the chase so didn't wanna just ask her out. We really enjoy each others company - so much so to the point that I asked her out. As I thought she would she accepted.


More texts followed but last night she texts me and says she's not looking for anythings serious. I never mentioned anything serious. She still wants to go out for a drink though..... but as friends more so.


Now I'm confused. Do you think this means permanently back off, she wants to take things slowly or is she just wary of taking up with someone she works with? As I say prior to that text everything was working perfectly and she was loving my charm.

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You said that you asked her out. Asking someone out, means you'd like more and she interpreted your asking her out, as meaning you want more...


Hence her text, she isn't looking for anything serious, than what you both have right now.


'I'm not looking for anything serious' is something I'd say to a guy I wasn't interested in 'that' way in and without hurting his feelings.


However, she could genuinely not want anything serious at the minute. Not everyone is looking for the serious stuff.

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It's just from her behaviour she seems to have shown an initial interest. She still wants to go out..... but I don't know if she has got cold feet on it all.


I perhaps do try to be a bit too smooth at times......she was loving it though so that's why i upped it in the 1st instance.


Many women will eat it up but it makes the smart ones wary at the same time.

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she was loving it though so that's why i upped it in the 1st instance....


Well if you are paying compliments and making her feel special....course she's gonna like it. Just because we lap it up, doesn't mean we want to marry you and have your babies....LOL


And as readytoheal said.....women may lap it up, but the wise and ungullible remain cautious to the smoothies. And sometimes, too much smoothie talk comes accross as trying too hard, reeks of desperation and that can be off putting.

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The only way you'll know what she means is to ask her. She could mean she's not interested in you as more than a friend, she could mean she doesn't want to date a co-worker, or she could mean you moved in too quickly for her and she wants things to be more casual. In any case, take her at her word. She's not interested in anything serious, so that means she's not available for serious dating or a relationship with you, at least not right now.

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