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Broke Up With Girlfriend

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I have recently broke up with my girlfriend that I have know for 5 years. We have been going through a tough time and I kinda knew something was gonna go down. I think we just got sick of each other as we kinda did the same thing over and over. She lived from me about 22 miles away and we seen each other over the weekend. I know for a fact she wanted to see me more. Her sister is getting married in May and I think the whole commitment thing got to her. She probably wanted to see me more which I don't mind and probably marriage was on her mind also. I want the same thing also. She is 38 and has been married and divorced and has a daughter. They way she broke up with me was she didn't really talk to me that much and everytime I tried to come down on the weekend she was always busy. She was helping with her sisters wedding. So I finally get a response from her and she sends me an email. In the email she says she wants a man all the time and man for her daughter. She said she still has some feelings for me. In the email she states she just wants to be friends and says you can call me anytime. I tried to go down and see her and she wouldn't talk to me or even let me her in house. She said let's be friends and shook hands with me and said I will give you a call. We broke up around Jan 23...She hasn't called me..I called her a 2 weeks later at work and she talked to me like we were friends then I started talking about us and our realtionship. That's when everything went crazy and we started to argue and fight and she hung up on me. I later called her at home and spoke to her and apologized for keep calling her and said better to be friends than enemies. The last time I spoke to her was on Feb 6th.I received a call from her daughter on Valentines day and she said hello and wished me a happy valentines day. I asked how her moms doing and she said okay. Now with this I'm thinking she left me for another man becuase we didn't really discuss this face to face. But when talking to her daughter she said she is still single. I do talk to her daughter once in a while by email. I told her to say hello to her mother. She said her mother didn't say much about me but too just say hi. I am very confused on this as she states she wants to be friends and haven't spoken to me in like 3 weeks. I feel like calling her but my friends say she needs time and give her time to miss you. But then again I have the idea she left me for another man. Should I call one day or wait for her?

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Your friends are right - her behavior indicates that she needs time away from you. My suggestion is wait for her to call you. If you communicate with her daughter it is not very ethical to question her about her mom's private life.


The fact that your ex says she wants to stay frieds, might not really mean it. She might just want to have a decent break up for her and her daughters sake.


You say that she wanted see more of you, and might have wanted to take things in your relationship to a higher level, i.e. marriage. Would you have wanted that too? If yes, why didn't you ask her?

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Thanks for the reply..My friends say the same thing and say she needs time off. Let her call you. I just miss her a lot and feel like calling her. They say I'm too weak..I'm thinking 2 things about this. She left me for another guy or she is teaching me a lesson to be more committed and if I don't change soon she will leave me for good.


But maybe she has left me for good. It's been 3 weeks since we talked and I just want to know how much time I should give her. I tried to explain to her that I will change and make changes and do what I gotta do to stay her but when we talk about it we get into a fight..

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