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How to take St John's Wort for PMS please?

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You would need it to take it every day throughout your cycle for it to be effective, not just on the days when you were feeling tense. The evidence for its effectiveness in combating PMS at all is rather minimal, it must be said, but there's no harm in trying, providing you are not on any other medication (including oral contraception).

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You would need it to take it every day throughout your cycle for it to be effective, not just on the days when you were feeling tense. The evidence for its effectiveness in combating PMS at all is rather minimal, it must be said, but there's no harm in trying, providing you are not on any other medication (including oral contraception).



so why does it say "may be used up to six weeks"???

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so why does it say "may be used up to six weeks"???


No idea, but it doesn't need to. St John's Wort is used in the treatment of depression(usually in doses up to 1000mg per day, but can be more), for which there is good clinical evidence, and in that role people take it every day for years with no ill effects beyond interactions with other drugs. There is certainly no six-week maximum dosage time.

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I have heard that St John's Wort can interfere with the birth control pill, so make sure you look into that before you take it.


thanks for the warning, but no worries, I HATE hormonal birth control , it gave me horrible side effects of severe anxiery and major depression and I am totally against synthetic hormones... don't get me started, I HATE them. NEVER again!!! women should embrace their natural cycles and use non invasive methods of birth control.

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