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some family/friends didn't like him after first meeting him


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Well I started dating this guy that used to be my ex-roommates ex. From her family and her my friends and family got a bad rap of him and what he was in his past and with her. I was told that he wasn't good for me and that we should just be friends from my mother who met him at a party i was having and then from two of my close girl friends. After a certain time we took a break and tried to figure things out but that didn't last long and now we are back dating. we have a great time together and i think he is a great guy. i just don't know how to tell my family and friends we are dating again bc they think he's just a friend right now. its so hard to not be able to tell them or show them. what would be some how neutral to do it? or what is your thoughts

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IMO it's a matter of psychology. once someone has made their mind up about something, there is no way of changing that.

From her family and her my friends and family got a bad rap of him and what he was in his past and with her
they already think that he is bad for you, but i wouldn't let that bother you. if you really really really like him and he is different with you.....well then go ahead and date him whether they like it or not. you can prove to them through your relationship with him that he really is a changed/different/better guy than they thought him to be. stand up for yourself and your relationship. there really is no neutral way because somehow someone will always be upset or thinking that you could do better.



hope that helps.....

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the best way to tell anyone about anything....is to be 100% honest with them. i have dated several guys that my friends/parents didn't like. each time i just told them that i wanted to decide for myself whether the guy was bad for me or not. you know what's best for yourself. if you tell them about dating him and they give you hel* about it, just remind them that no one knows yourself better than you. only you can decide if he's worthy.



just be honest and tell them. it will save alot of trouble. if you lie or if they find out on their own they might get their feelings hurt.



hope that helps.....

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