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from school to work?

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well, I dont know quite were to start, my last post was quite a while ago I dont know if anyone remembers me. Anyways, my question is what would give my life meaning? All I want out of my life is to make enough $$$ to be able to provide for me and family should i ever get one. But I'm worried I wont be able to do my job. Mostly because I already miss so much school I dont mean like 4 days in a row miss, i mean once a week kind of miss but that adds up. How can I possibly expect to do my job when I keep missing school? I mean really, I do have to wake up a little earlier than most kids for school but that is no excuse. im afraid one day I might just sleep in cause I heard the alarm and turned it off cause i was thought I would get up. Then the next day I get the boot. Well that brings the question of "why dont you just bring you lazy _ _ _ into school every day if your so worried? which is a valid question, and the answere to that question is: I honestly don't know. There are several factors that go into it but I just dont know why, a possible answere is because I question if school is really that neccasary to get what I want out of life. Well, I could go on for another page and a half but no one would read it if it were that long. I will post more later if there are any replys.

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Its hard to do both work and school at the same time. I am still in High School myself and do both go to school and work. I usually work 4 or even 5 days a week. Its hard to do both the HW and study for the tests. Well I guess my grades show it because they are not the best. lol

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I think you somewhat missed the point. I can't get up for school somtimes and I am wondering what makes me think I can hold a job? And what kind of a job I could possibly get if I droped out of high-school. Because for whatever reason I can't seem to get up as early as I am.

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i WAS in exactly the same position. For a year and a half, i had been skipping classes once a week or so at university....and every night i'd regret it adn go "why did i skip today!! was it that hard to go to that class!" Like i realize how important it is to go!!! Thats why i'm getting all these goddamn C's!!! I HATED having that feeling of 'not knowing what was going on in my classes and having tha guilt of not going to school when i paid so much to be there!" During all this time i worked about 20 hours a week, tired as HELL!!


Well this semester guess what? I'm still working 20 hours and MAKING ALL MY CLASSES. i think i've missed only 2 classes this entire semester.


This is how i did it.


For hte past year and a half i realize my classes were scattered all over hte place. So this semester, i scheduled all my classes at the same time, 8am, as early as it is, but whatever. This was so much easier for me to get up everyday at the same time instiaed of like it was before, which was, one day at 8 next day at 10 next day at 8 then 11am, etc etc...


I think its way easier for you to get up if you just havea ll yoru classes standardized at the same time that you get use to this routine of getting up every day at the same time!!!


Try scheduling alll your classes at the same hour next semester at a reasonable hour..

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Sorry i missed to comment on your part about 'how can you hold a job'


I am the worst person at getting up, my boyfriend could tell you all about it. I'M THE WORST!!!!


having a job is a differnet story though because it COUNTS. people observe you wtihout you knowing it things could get back to your boss. Adn i'm sure that would come into your mind!


I'm the laziest person in the world, and i can never get up.. but when it comes to a job, its important and its important to be punctual b/c you'll be fired if it keeps up!! I hope you come to realize how important it is in a work setting!


i'm sure you will!! you'll over come this bad habit of not being able to wake up.. Start slowly by trying to wake up everyday at hte same time

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