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Taking a "kiss" further...

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Hello I have been going out with my girlfriend for about 10 months now and we have been getting together for the past five weekends really getting into each other (making out passionately). I heard from a friend of mine, who goes out with her close friend, that my girlfriend probably wouldn't mind going a little further (going up her shirt). Im up to it and I'm going to do it this weekend coming up so i need some advice...



-Do I feel her up under or over her bra

-Do I feel her up while we are sitting or laying down

-What is some body language to know if she is enjoying it or not

-What do I do when I'm there?

-Also, how do I spice up making out, to give her a night that she will really enjoy (what else to do while we are making out)



Basically, I just want to spice up the nights that we make out to make it much more exciting, stimulating, and enjoyable for the both of us. PLEASE give me all the advice you can give! Thank you so much!

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Before I answer I want you to think about this a bit. I do not think that just because a friend "thinks" she may like you to go farther, does not mean she does. The mature way to handle this is to talk to her about it (before the moment of course)...just in general to see what her personal limits are. This is the safest and most kind way you can be.


If she is wanting to touch and play more, then i would say the best thing to do is go slow, and be very gentle. You can read how she is feeling by her expressings and again by asking. She will tell you what is ok for her.

Women like to be touched in a way that shows warmth..so dont grab, or be to harsh. As far as "what you do when you get there" i would say that answer comes from why you want to be touching in the first place...enjoy just getting to know her body, touch should be erotic. you dont have to go from one thing to the next, let her know through your touch that each movement means something.

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Ummm, To make things a little more " sexual" you could try using your hands more, the girls I've made out with in the past all said they liked it when i used my hands, and how to use them is important too. it's just more romantic when you incorporate the sensation of "Touch" on a womens body, even the way air moves over the skin of a women, can be arousing, have you kissed her on her neck, no leaving any marks type of thing, (hickey).


Instead you could Try compassionately pecking around her neck, by the ears, and even on her face, the lower chin, her forehead...etc


As for getting UP her shirt, well there is no magic approach to this, that i can think of, i just do it...(lol) but slowly, if she is into what you are doing she might let out a "AHHHH" sound, or even tell you how it feels, they say the Nipple of the breast and the outer edge between 3 and 9 O'clock are the most sensitive, so try to locate that area first.


Really thow, in general if you rub that area i think you'll do just fine, also feeling on the breast is going to make them hard, so be ready for that, and if you get far enough don't be scared to kiss in between them, or even on them, from left to right....all of this is being done while your still keeping contact with her with your hands, embrace her, don't be afraid to explore each others bodies, and if you want too you can bring that up in a Little talk.


hope i helped good luck!


SEGA where have you BEEN? long time no see?

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Best advice I can give on this, being a bit older? ASK HER FIRST. Or touch her outside of her shirt first, very slowly, working your way up from her stomach, so she has plenty of time to object. Don't just plunge a hand in her shirt and expect that she won't get freaked! I'm guessing you're both rather young-give her a chance to get used to what you're doing, and go SLOOOOW. Stay outside the shirt, and work your way up gradually. Groping her immediately under the shirt will most likely get you nowhere fast!



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hey i just wanted to thank you a lot for the advice that has been posted so far. I will be sure to take it all into account. Yeah we're both goin on 16- she's 2 months older. Now should I feel her up while making out? laying on the couch with her? and also if i ask her if she's up for it what do i say? i dont just go like 'hey do you mind if i feel you up?' or what? thank you so much though and also please tell me how i can make the kiss more interesting with my hand placement and making the kiss more passionate... thanks!

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I definitely agree with Mar. GIVE HER TIME TO OBJECT. if anything that is the best way to go. while making out with her. spice things up by laying down at first, then maybe suck on her bottom lip a little bit, and then maybe start caressing her ear area. then kiss her neck and jawbone. kiss her ear area, but dont tongue it man, thats a little too much. just give sweet little kisses all over her cute little face and then move down a bit to maybe her collar bones. Now, with my girlfriend, it was her first experience like this o f any kind, i was 16, so was she. now. she actually helped place my hand around her breast region one time while we were making out. but for you, i suggest rubbing her tummy a little bit, and slowly slowly move your way up. just let her know that youre wanting to try new things. go over her bra at first. under the bra maybe a little awkward because it may be dificult to maneuver up under there. just slowly move your hand accross her breasts and if she likes it, then keep going. maybe you should stop here and wait for anyother time to continue, take it slow man. let her know you care about her. she already knows you want to explore her body. now the next time shouldnt be as difficult. just do everything over again and this time, start working your fingers under her bra from the top. those underwires are a PAIN. Now, if you make your way to her nipple, be very gentle. I personally love breasts and i love to kiss them and they are very sensitive from what i have gathered. Just take it slow man and you should be fine. oh, and, if youre comfortable enough, talk about it before hand. i never talked about it cause it wasnt a big deal, but we talked about everyhting else rom that point on.....good luck buddy.

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lol.......no need to actually ASK her if she objects...if you go slow enough, she'll grab your hand or move away before you reach her chest. You could just whisper to her at one point, "Is this okay?" and leave it at that. Let her know you'll stop at any time she gets uncomfortable with it. (*Warning: men will be a WHOLE lot more uncomfortable than women at this point, it's safe to say!*) And respect her, most of all. Going slow and showing respect are the two biggest things she'll appreciate about you, and that you took her feelings (while getting yours.....lol) into consideration! (Sorry, couldn't help it! )

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Hi. I'm a girl and I definitely agree w/ Mar and the others on this one. You don't necessarily have to have a big talk and ask if she's ok with it However, go slowly and start over the shirt and SLOWLY move closer to the skin... I have had my exs all feel me up there and when I don't want it I'll push their hand away or sit up (usually we're laying on the couch or such) so its made rather obvious i'm not in the mood. I've also been known to encourage the guy if he's tenatively moving inward. I even helped guide his hand. I think that's a natural reaction for a woman (maybe I'm wrong and if so, plz correct me ladies). Just whatever you do, start slowly and show her that you care for her as more than a sex object & it'll most likely be an enjoyable time for you both.


All the best to you...



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