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I need some advice on a new problem I am having. I have known my friend for about 3 years, and we have aways been pretty close. I never even thought about liking her as more than a friend. But since last month I have been having different feelings for her, and every night I would go home and think about her. Now my feelings for her are even stronger than before. I think I am in love with her. And I think she kind of likes me to.When we talk she gives me eye contact the whole time. And when we are walking to class together she tries to get cose to me by rubbing against my arms. And sometimes she will lay her head on me, hug me and put her arms around me. And she is always smiling at me during class, smetimes I lok up and shes staring at me. She evn tells me she trusts me more than anyone. Do you think she likes me as more than a friend?

By the way I am a girl and my friend is also a girl.

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It's possible that maybe she does like you more then a friend, but also her gestures could just be friendly...

Do you know if she's Bi/Les? and does she know you're Bi/Les?

Cause if she's not you dont want to freak her out or anything, you know..

Dunno what more I could say but.. Just take things kinda slow before jumping into anything.

Good Luck.



-Mythical Suicide-

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Hi hiphopkayj,


I've been throught a similar situation the only difference was that she had a bf already. It is possible that she likes more than a friend but i wouldn't get carried away with the idea because it will only lead to pain and sorrow (only im some cases). As suggested by Beec take a look at her body language when she's next with you e.g. playing with her hair, constant eye contact and annoying little things. My best friends exactly the same, she does the things that you describe in my class but were just good friends. If you really want to know i would suggest asking her about your current friendship and would she be intrested in becoming something more than that.


In the end it's you who knows her the best and it's you that has to make any decision from the advice provided.


I hope this has been of some help to you, all the best


Inu Yasha

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

ok, i'm gonna assume you're at school..

one thing i learnt from school, is that friends, especially girls, are much closer to each other than once school finishes..

if you are sure by now that she likes you, then take the plunge,

but, if not, just be aware that she might just be very friendly..


although i doubt it, i hope that helped


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  • 1 month later...

I agree with niet....it sounds like she really likes you as much as you like her and I wouldn't be worried about it to much! Although I am going through the same thing to try to find out if my friend likes me that way because I have really strong feelings for her and I don't know if she does for me!


I say go for it....and the worst thing that is going to happen is shes gonna say no...but it doesn't sound like thats the case to me!

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