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So I joke that my theme song is Katy Perry's "Hot & Cold" song, but the guy in the video is me.


Anyway, I ended up admiting last night to my boyfriend that I have been hot/cold and a little wishy washy. He had noticed it before but I never admitted it. I do like him and smile when I'm with him and have fun, but when we're not together, I don't have a strong urge to see him. He has been the one to intiate getting together almost daily (which seems too much for me). Since he's asked to become official, it seems all I do is create conflict over trivial things. I think it's unfair to him if I continue this relationship because I'm so hot and cold. we have only been officially dating....1 month?


Any advice? Thanks.

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I think it's unfair to him if I continue this relationship because I'm so hot and cold. we have only been officially dating....1 month?



If it's only been a month and you are already 'hot and cold' then yes, I would end things with him. It doesn't sound like the right relationship for you.

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