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i need some advice !!

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my dad is a pain.... i hate it i try my hardst to make our house look presentable .. i Never have neone come over because its just not nice enough.. my dads past is horrible to..hes depressed..but latley he has been doint he dishes so..i was watching the house chanel today like redecorating n he got reallllllly mad..it pissed me off n he hit me and i just went to my rooma nd fell asleep..hes ruining my social life ! hres so embarissing..he hasnt tought me how to drive yet im 15 n 16 in a few months..he loves me and everything but i mean i feel like killin him!

i dont know what to do. we arnt the ritches n have a rented house but why wont he let me decorate u know? we have naked white walls with an ugle couch thats small n can only fit 2 ppl. hes a computer nerd n wont move his computer our of the living room..i see so many nice houses and ide like to have one too..whats wrong with that..what can i do? i want to end up keeping this house..please help me

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Apparently your dad has little feelings about himself and is only looking out for his best interests. if you haven tried talking to him in a serious manner then i suggest you do so. i know it may be hard because i have an uncontrollable grandparent and obvioulsy they don't listen to younger folks. fo you have anyone else you can live with such as you mom, aunt. cousin? Resort to them if possible. if this is a threat to your dad then let him know how serious you are about his behavior and the house at large. you're barely a teenager and deserve better because your teenage years usually make up for how you'll be in the future. you don't want to tell your kids that you were verbally/physically/emotionally abused. if you want to drive go out and take drivers ed or take a friend and hit a couple of corners.Go see a movie or sleep over your friends house, just don;t let your dad ruin you. your dad may be apart of you life but if you look at the whole picture he's merely there, or he's a spot that needs to be wiped away. good luck

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hey u mis interperated or something..i love my dad hes a great dad its just hes LAZY..ive already tryed living with my grandparents..my aunt..and my bestfriend..its not the same..i just want to be able to have ppl come over without feelin embarissed..its lik enot home to me because of all his cigerette smoke smell n the couch is so small..we are in debt and my dad is trying his hardest ..

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aw bless u xx it sounds like ur dad is really down, my heart goes to both of you right now,xx it could be that ur dad sees it like , seeing its not ur house wats the point indoing it up! and when ppl get down they dont want things around them all nice and pretty. but that doesn't mean to say just leave it!! maybe get some flowers, and place them near the window so when the wind blows it blows fresh smells into the room, and maybe get a little paint with ur allowence money, or see if any friends or family have any left over!! but don't paint his area...paint urs!! paint ur bedroom an focus on that space and when u want to bring ur friends around u can sit in ur room in ur space with ur colors and ur smells!!

i hope this helps xx and well done for not giving up on ur dad just because he's downxx give him hugs and tell him u love him anyway smells aswell !! hahaha



love and light

redsnappa xx

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