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In My Darkest Hour


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In my darkest hour I sit and wallow

Never knowing who I am or who I was

Alone is how I was meant to be


In my darkest hour I hurt and cry

Never knowing if I should live or die

Alone I sit no one to hold


In my darkest hour I breathe and sigh

Never knowing why

Alone I wonder if this is my life


In my darkest hour I lay awake never to sleep

Never knowing why I lived

Alone I eat and drink


In my darkest hour I sit and sulk

Always to live with my broken heart

Alone I sit and write this.


In my darkest hour I wish I could die

Never knowing my own life

Alone I sit and cry

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Didn't make me sad. It was a cause to reflect. I have been pretty sad these last few days and your words described some of what I have been feeling. It is not the end but a new direction. People come and go from our lives and it does hurt especially when we tried to make it right and failed. We cannot hide ourselves in others even though it is very is to do.



We must venture out of the shell of pity and despair and live OUR lives.



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We must venture out of the shell of pity and despair and live OUR lives


Oh I am. In fact I already have someone new (sort of) I just am trying to make everyone happy and in the process it's making me depressed and sad etc. I just want to give up sometimes and say to hell with everyone and just go jump in front of a train or while driving home just make that sudden sharp turn into the freeway wall.

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