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Make myself sick with worry

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I'm 18. I go to school full time and I work two part time jobs, averaging about 45-50 hours a week. I make about $1150 a month.

Most people my age are working one part-time job, or no job at all, only concentrating on school. But no, not me. Ever since I was 16, I've been working two jobs, struggling hard to save for god knows what.

Everyday, I worry about money. I worry that I won't have enough money for a house, or marriage, or children...all these things that are so far ahead in the future.

I have saved a little over $5000 over the past 2 years. Everyone always tells me that compared to most people my age who have working-class parents, I am well-off.

Yet, everyday, I worry about money, to the point where I get myself sick. I never have any free time, and I'm constantly stressed out. I do not lead the life of a normal 18-year-old. I don't concentrate on school, I have no social life.

I want to have time for my family and my friends, but everytime I think about quitting one job, I think about how "poor" I will be.

I am terrified that if I don't save now, I'm going to be poor for the rest of my life.

My boyfriend, who's 22, goes to school full-time and works full-time. He makes about $1800 a month, and he makes me feel so poor, yet I know he only makes more because he is older than me.

My boyfriend wants to get our own apartment together, but I told him I won't do it until I have enough money. He said to me, "You'll never believe that you have enough."

Am I crazy?? Why do I worry SO MUCH about money? To me, money is everything. Does anyone else feel this way??

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I also have been working since the day I turned 16 (I am now 23), I had ONE part time job right through school and college and now I work full time monday to friday 9am to 5pm with the weekend off and I have spare time to spend with my boyfriend and my family/friends.

I know its hard at the beginning but you will get there and stop worrying money ISNT everything!!, what if you didnt have the love of your family and your boyfriend?

I now stay with my boyfriend, in a small flat and we both have our own transport, a far cry from what I used to have, although we arent rich, we managed to live as comfortably as we can, and try to make room for little luxaries once a month to cheer us both up if we can afford it.

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You know, these days, with the economy the way it is, I'm surprised there aren't more people worried the way you are. It's good that you are saving your money, keep it up! I only have two suggestions. The first is time management. You simply must set aside time for your family and boyfriend, and most importantly yourself. It's for your own emotional stability. Maybe even take one day a week where you don't do anything. Time management can be tricky, but once you get a schedule worked out, you get used to it pretty quick. The second suggestion is this. Why don't you start some sort of retirement account? Start an IRA. You put away a few dollars a month into this account, and over time it grows, tax deferred. By the time you're ready to retire, you will have a goldmine. At least this way, you'll have piece of mind that the money you are saving is, number one, THERE, and number two, it's working for you. At your age this is the perfect time to start something like that. (by the way... you don't HAVE to wait until retirement to take the money out... you can do it sooner. the only thing is that there will be tax penalties) Let me know if you have any questions. You can email me at email removed. I hope this helps!! In the meantime, don't worry so much. You're doing just fine.

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Hi Ruby,


I would recommend you to keep it up. So many households are in debt. It looks like that you're trying to do better than that. Do know that there is something like 'enough'. Keep in mind that you also need to spend some money sometimes... to buy new clothes or do other fun things.


You're doing great... I like the suggestion of time management. Your b/f and your family need you, too What is love without sharing?


Good luck!!


~ SwingFox ~

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Its only because your boyfriend earns so much that you feel you have to aswell. YOu dont have to get a flat together straight away. You are only young and should perhaps think about moving in together later on in life. Money isnt everything though it helps to have enough to keep you on your feet. From what i can see though you are earning more than enough and perhaps having one job is plenty. You have all this money yet do you really consider yourself happy. Wouldnt you rather work less hours, have a little less money but be happier?

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Thanks, everyone, for your posts. I feel like this is going to be a problem for me that will take a long time to solve. I do wish that I was happy without money, but who truly is? I think what I need to do is find one job that will pay well enough, but that will give me a day or two off now and then.

Thanks again for your posts. I love having feedback on problems, it makes me feel like people really care.

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  • 2 months later...


People may not agree with me, but I have a suggestion. Obviously your savings is what you have after you're paying all your bills. I have one suggestion if you think you are going to be worried about money in the future. Go to college and get a degree. You should slow down on the two jobs you're working on, go to school before you get older and have kids, and the job you get with a degree will give you much more savings than the two jobs you're working now. You could start a retirement account, savings for kids, take trips, etc... and you wouldn't be working crazy hours, depending on the job. Your boyfriend also is making money so combined you could probably live well while you went to school. I know you may not agree, but this is just a suggestion. I also worry about money all the time, because I don't have any! No savings, nothing. But all I do know is that when I graduate law school, I will be making at least $60,000 to start, base salary. That keeps me going. I know at this age I can't live like my parents or afford a new car or anything like that. But one day I will. And I will be able to provide my children with a good life, and even have a hefty retirement account to do nothing after I retire! So good luck with your decision. And remember money isn't everything. My boyfriend lost his mom last year to cancer, and now everyday he wishes he had just 5 more minutes, or an hour, or just one more day with her. So take advantage of the people that love you and the relationships you have with them. Love is very rare. So enjoy your life. You're 18 for God sakes! You're not supposed to have a lot of money at 18! I can't believe you've saved as much as you have. You just need to say within yourself that it's ok if you don't have a lot, cause you're still a kid and you need to slow down. Get a social life, you won't have one after the kids! Enjoy life! That's what it's for. If it were to work yourself to death, then the world would be a boring place, with a very very high mortality rate! Good luck!

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