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Everything posted by Carrie_03

  1. I also have been working since the day I turned 16 (I am now 23), I had ONE part time job right through school and college and now I work full time monday to friday 9am to 5pm with the weekend off and I have spare time to spend with my boyfriend and my family/friends. I know its hard at the beginning but you will get there and stop worrying money ISNT everything!!, what if you didnt have the love of your family and your boyfriend? I now stay with my boyfriend, in a small flat and we both have our own transport, a far cry from what I used to have, although we arent rich, we managed to live as comfortably as we can, and try to make room for little luxaries once a month to cheer us both up if we can afford it.
  2. Hi need advice, have been going out with my long term partner for 41/2 years, at first we couldnt get enough of each other (you know the usual story) but now it feels like we are a boring married couple, I have had other guys ask me out but I have always!! been faithful, as I know if I didnt have him or if I couldnt be with him then I would miss him like crazy. We tell each other that we love one another all the time and I do try to spice up our sex life to make it like it used to be, and most of the time our sex life is great. On the other hand I think secretly that he may be getting a bit bored with me as he as just started working in the company office that he used to work off site for, and I knew there would be more women there than he was used to working with, and there are a couple of girls he talks about now and again at first it didnt seem to bother me but the more he keeps talking about them the more worried I am getting!! As he is a great looking guy and very friendly (that is probably why I fell in love with him in the first place) I am worried that if he gets advances from these girls then he will be very tempted and no longer want to be with me? My family and friends also keep asking when we are getting engaged, he hasnt mentioned it although I would like to spend the rest of my life with him, in the distant future. Also I am a very romantic person but he isnt so and knows it. Should I stop myself from having any heart ache, and leave or should I trust him and stand by him no matter what?
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