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A new girl (semi long)


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About 6 days ago a new girl appeared in our school. She is in my english and biology classes, and she seems very shy (or it might be that she hardly knows anyone) because she usually sits by herself.

Anyway, as soon as i saw her i was like . I want to get to know her but i don't have any idea how to start. I'm very shy around people i don't know, especially girls. I have never been out with a girl (never actually been close friends with a girl ) (i'm 16) and i have only asked someone out once and got rejected.

I only know her first name. That is all.

I have seen her look at me a couple of times when i turned around. She sits behind me halfway accross the class in both classes. Of course when i saw her looking at me i turned hastly around as i do . How could i start talking to her? Or how could i show i'm interested?

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I think I would start out by just going up and introducing yourself. Then make some small talk. Ask what school she came from, how she likes this one, etc... Just try and be friendly. It's a lot easier than you make it out to be in your mind. TRUST ME. I know.

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Hi hammo,


I agree with the way jagg's has suggested. Go up to her and ask how she's adujsting to the new school. Let her know that there's someone in the school that's made an effort to take an intrest in her. Just say a few jokes and just be yourself around her (i know it's easier said than done) but that's just the problem with being shy, we all have to overcome it some time or it just takes over our lives and we never get anywhere because of it. Ask her what her hobbies are she might have some of the same intrests as you and maybe you could meet up and hang out etc.


Or you can start off by saying "Hi!" in the corridor when you pass her or when you walk into your classes that you have with her.


Hope this has help, pm me if you need any more help.


All the best .


- whitefang

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I agree to both of these suggestions. Just go up to her and find out what she's like and what she likes to do. Ask her what school she's from. If like she moved out of state, be like how was your trip over here? Ask her what is different about her old school from her new one. Find out her other classes so you can "bump into her." Offer to show her around school and introduce her to some of your friends. Then just get to know her. Find out what she likes to do. If she says she likes to play volleyball or something, tell her you know where the nearest vb court is and it would be fun if you 2 got together to play sometime or if she likes to see movies, take her to the movies. She's a new girl, so she'll be pretty impressed by someone who comes up to her and starts talking to her, especially a guy. Try to hang out with her and talk to her as much as possible, she'll love making a new friend and you'll definitely love it. You two may become best of friends!

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