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A moment to reflect.....


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Hopes for the Year Ahead


I wonder, maybe this year......


Will I see new things, and explore new places,

Will I discover new talents and meet new faces?

Will I finally leave my comfort zone

And try to make it on my own?


I wonder, maybe this year......


Will I move on from those I held dear

Who have hurt me so much this last year?

Will I stop thinking of times long gone

And focus on what is yet to come?


I wonder, maybe this year......


Will I remove the mask, the thin disguise,

Which hides the sadness in my eyes?

Will I face the world with renewed esteem

And stop hiding in my impossible dreams?


I wonder, maybe this year......


Will the darkness fade, and bring new hope

To help me feel like I can cope?

That’s what I long for most of all

The strength to recover when I fall.


So here’s to happiness, yours and mine.

That’s what I wish for 2009.



Hope you all liked that poem which I wrote yesterday during a moment of reflection. It pretty much sums up the way I feel - this year's been so hard & I don't want to still be crying 12 months from now. Anyway, for all those of you who feel similar pain, I hope you find some comfort.

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