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I recently met this guy and we're just talking now. we went on a date and the conversation flowed, excellent chemistry, but i often don't think before i speak and talk about the taboo subjects politics and religion, etc...i am fascinated by those subjects and i'm very open-minded so i like to talk to people that are interested in those subjects. It's what i am inolved in career-wise-both, so it's tough to avoid. well, this dating thing is new to me. i was in a 4 year relationship and i'm a different person than i was when i first met my ex 5 yrs ago. i was more elusive, playing those hard to get games, my ex even thought i was a little aloof. well, that's not the point. i run my mouth a little too much and this guy even said so, but he said he liked the fact that i was truthful, but that i could get into trouble without thinking before i speak. now it's odd, becuase i was never this way before 9when i first met someone), but i've changed and now this guy and i seem to be miscommunicating often. we talk for hours, joking laughing, making fun of each other and for the most part it's great, but it seems that sometimes we'll miscommunicate for a minute and then it's awkward. he'll think i've insulted him and vice versa, when that's not the case. i don't understand him very well when he says certain things and so i'll ask him to clarify, but yet he's still unclear. one comment i was confused about was that he said- he said that i could get into trouble sometimes (with my blunt honesty) if someone isn't noticing how cute i was. to me that's an insult, but to be nice i wasked him to clarify. and he answered, "when you see someone as cute, it soften the message whatever it is." i still don't get it. well, i've never had such a problem so early on w/ communication. i like the guy, but should i abandon this before it gets worse. i forsee more miscommunication problems. how could i handle this?

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You can handle it.

It sounds to me like he was trying to compliment.

Miscommunication is a big part of life, but certainly not worth destroying what could possible be a good relationship. You can work on learning how to understand eachother. Miscommunication is a big part of getting to know someone, you have to spend time with him and endure stuff like that to be able to get to know the person better, after you have learned more about him you will learn how to take him...

Give it a chance...

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