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my parents don let me date

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hey mom and dad! ( )


hey peapl please take the time and read this and i will be thankful for any advice you give me.


I need help! i really like this girl and she really likes me. I asked her out and she said yes but I forgot that my parents won't let me date until i'm in college! I forgot about what my parents said because i know that the girl that i like is the one for me because she is different from all the other girls in my past. We also have a lot in common, I love music and she does too, she eats burgerking a lot (laughing) and so do i, and we both love eachother. Well since i got that over with when i asked her out she said yes and then i asked if she'd want to go to the movies and then she said yes.

She told me to pick her up, she doesn't know i'm aloud to date so that's why she told me that but i don't want her to know i can't date.

I love her so much and i know she does too but its my ***ing parents. they are acutally fareners and from my experience they really don't anything what it's like for me a 13 year old how it feels to fall in love with someone. My first crush was a girl named lauren and i went out with her for two days and then we broke up because i found out she was playing me. i told my parents that i liked lauren and then i asked them if i can go to the movies with her. Well of course they said no because they new i liked her and they are afraid what im going to do with her.

When i'm really not like that, all about sex. Well so i didn't tell them i liked June (the girl that loves me and i love her) so i can go to the movies with her and other places. but my parents are starting to get suspicious and start to think i love june. Which i do but then if i tell them then they will never let me go out with her. so i really don't know what to do so please give me any advice because i really need it.



Mik B

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sneak around! desperate times call for desperate measures! i'm thinkin that u should tell ur ma n dad that ur goin to ur friend's house for the night, but really go and chill wit her. or maybe if ur ma and dad ever leave for the weekend or somethin... or, (if u have a friend wit cool parents) invite her over to his place and u can spend time there (ur friend might get bored, but he should understand!). or maybe u have an older brother or cousin who would take u and ur lady friend places. make it happen! i was a goodie back in tha day too, but now i'm wishin that i did stuff like that. don't be afraid! but, again, ur 13. u got ur whole life! u don't HAVE to go out on dates, do ya? sure that'd be fun, but u could chill at school, or at the library, or ... what ever. and seriously, what's the worst that could happen? u'd get hollared at, maybe grounded, but u gotta figure out if it's worth it or not.


or, of course, u could talk to ur parents about it, explain everything and the strong feelings that u and ur lady friend share.


anyways, best of luck! stay cool.

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I can understand your frustration; however, as stupid as this may sound, you gotta respect your parents. You said that they didn't want you to date b/c they're afraid of what you might do w/ a girl. Well, sneaking around would definitely prove to them that you're untrustworthy.


Talk to them and tell them that it's just a movie and that you'd really like to get to spend time with this girl. (Of course, I'd leave out the whole "I love her" thing from your conversation, simply b/c words like that make parents freak out even more).


I know where you're coming from. My parents wouldn't let me date either, so I had to show them I was responsible. Now, I can pretty much do whatever I want b/c my parents know that they can trust me. B/c I didn't sneak around and yell at them all the time, I can date and I don't have a curfew.


So try to talk to them, b/c in the end, they're probably only watching out for you (because THEY CARE).

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Well thers not a lot of advice to give but i'm in your shoes. but i'm a a female, and i'm 15, well i really love my bf but he dumped me 3 days ago cuz he got tired of me not being able to date. well before he dumped me we would go on dates, secrectly, i would just lie to my parents about me going out with my best friends and that always worked but if my parents really found out they would beat me and sent me off to mexico that what they said to me before i turned 13 which they thought thats when i wold start dating. but i really don't understand y our parents don't let us date, not to be racisnt or anything are u mexican?, cuzz mexican parents tend not to let their kids date. well plase write back to me and tell me what happeneds, email me at email removed, or at email removed, well becuz my parents don't let me date my b/f dumped me 3 days ago as i said thats y i'm so hurt and in pain right now. don't let ur parents stop u from having fun with her and keep loving her as long your both happy!, and tell her to asure you that she won't dumpe you cuz your not allowed to date.Good Luck!


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Well although I persoanlly think it's wrong to stop someone from dating when they want to, you are only 13 man. I find it hard to believe you are in love with this girl. You are 13, and probably immature. I dont blame your parents for not letting you date now, but they should let you start around 14 or 15...this college thing is a little stupid i mean when you are in high school you can't date? thats the best part of school...i think you should try to prove your responsiblity and dont try to date this girl and go behind there backs. Then maybe theyll let you date at 14 or 15 when you are more mature. Besides, this girl probbaly wont be in the picture in a year or two, so dont stress too much about her. Try to prove you are responsible...

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  • 1 month later...

It's stupid...but maybe your parents are right...my first relationship at 13 ended in serious disaster...


Here's a really good way to go on a date and yet keep your parent's trust in you intact...get a bunch of friends to go along and sort of treat it like a group date...this way your parents can't do anything (HEy! It's a group...not one to one..)and you and her can become friends and find out more about each other....and if she's still around in another few years time and you both still feel the same way, then go ahead...don't sneak around, you won't enjoy it...

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